Our latest list with all granted educational and voting partners:
domain | name / organization | country | domain type |
2deHands.be | 2deHands / Tweedehands | BE | 3 |
aalto.fi | Aalto University | FI | 1 |
aaos.org | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | US | 1 |
achievementfirst.org | Achievement First - Public Charter Schools | US | 1 |
addenbrookes.nhs.uk | Addenbrooke's Hospital Emergency Department | CA | 1 |
add-ons.eventOplanner.com | EventOPlanner - Mobile Event Apps [Integration Partner] | NL | 2 |
adelaide.edu.au | University of Adelaide | AU | 1 |
Aeres.nl | Aeres Mbo Barneveld | NL | 1 |
aipmo.org | Association of International Project Management Officers | CH | 1 |
albynschool.co.uk | Albyn School | UK | 1 |
alfa-college.nl | Alfa College Hogeschool | NL | 1 |
alliant.edu | Alliant International University | US | 1 |
alma.edu | Alma College in Alma, Michigan | US | 1 |
almaschools.net | Alma Schools Michigan | US | 1 |
alnahrain.edu.iq | Alnahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq | IQ | 1 |
amc.nl | Academisch Medisch Centrum | NL | 1 |
amc.uva.nl | Academisch Medisch Centrum (UvA) | NL | 1 |
amee.org | Association for Medical Education | UK | 1 |
andrews.edu | Andrews University | US | 1 |
angelresource.org | Angel Resource Institute | US | 1 |
anu.edu.au | Australian National University Acton | AU | 1 |
aoc-oost.nl | AOC Oost | NL | 1 |
apapul.ulaval.ca | Laval University (mail) | CA | 1 |
appomattox.k12.va.us | Appomattox County High School Virginia | US | 1 |
aps.k12.co.us | Aurora Public Schools | US | 1 |
apsva.us | Arlington Public Schools - Virginia | US | 1 |
aqpmo.ca | L’Association Québecoise de Physiothérapie Manuelle Orthopédique | CA | 1 |
aquinasschools.org | Aquinas High School | US | 1 |
arcada.fi | ARCADA - University of Applied Sciences | FI | 1 |
are-gymnasium.de | Are-Gymnasium Bad Neuenahr | DE | 1 |
arteveldehs.be | Arteveldehogeschool | BE | 1 |
artsci.wustl.edu | Washington University - Artsci | US | 1 |
asante.org | Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center | US | 1 |
asburyseminary.edu | Asbury Theological Seminary | US | 1 |
asmadrid.es | The American School of Madrid | ES | 1 |
asmadrid.org | The American School of Madrid | ES | 1 |
atriumscholen.nl | Atriumscholen | Paus Johannesschool, Sint Pancras | NL | 1 |
attendiz.nl | Attendiz Scholengemeenschap | NL | 1 |
AVANS.NL | Avans Hogeschool | NL | 1 |
aznyi.com | Arizona Nazarene Youth International District | US | 1 |
aznyi.org | Arizona Nazarene Youth International District | US | 1 |
bartshealth.nhs.uk | Barts Health NHS - Newham University Hospital | UK | 1 |
bbat.nl | BBAT | NL | 3 |
bbs-einbeck.de | Berufsbildende Schulen / BBS Einbeck | DE | 1 |
bcswan.net | Brunswick County Schools | US | 1 |
bedfordschool.org.uk | Bedford School Bedfordshire | UK | 1 |
bellevuechristian.org | Bellevue Christian School | UK | 1 |
ben.edu | Benedictine University | US | 1 |
bennett.edu | Bennett College | US | 1 |
bensalemsd.org | Bensalem High School | US | 1 |
Berkeley.edu | University of California Berkeley | US | 1 |
bham.ac.uk | University of Birmingham | UK | 1 |
bishops.org.za | Bishops Diocesan College | ZA | 1 |
blanquerna.url.edu | Blanquerna School for Communication & International Relations in Barcelona | ES | 1 |
bn.hkmu.ac.tz | Hubert Kairuki Memorial University in Tanzania (nurses) | TZ | 1 |
bournemouth.ac.uk | University of Bournemouth | UK | 1 |
bphawks.org | Bethel Park High School | UK | 1 |
brighton.sa.edu.au | Brighton Secondary School | AU | 1 |
brightonss.sa.edu.au | Brighton Secondary School | AU | 1 |
bristol.ac.uk | University of Bristol | UK | 1 |
browardschools.com | Hollywood Hills High School | US | 1 |
brvgs.k12.va.us | Blue Ridge Virtual Governors School, Orange County High School | US | 1 |
bu.ac.th | Bankok University | TH | 1 |
buffalo.edu | University at Buffalo | US | 1 |
business.fsu.edu | Florida State University College of Business | US | 1 |
business.smu.edu.sg | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
buu.ac.th | Burapha University | TH | 1 |
calbaptist.edu | California Baptist University | US | 1 |
caldwellschools.com | West Caldwell High School | US | 1 |
cam.ac.uk | University of Cambridge | UK | 1 |
cambridge.org | Cambridge University | UK | 1 |
campbell.edu | Campbell University | US | 1 |
canadanailcup.com | Canada Nail Cup | CA | 1 |
cape.k12.de.us | Cape Henlopen High School | US | 1 |
careertech.ok.gov | Oklahoma Department of Career & Technology Education | US | 1 |
carey.com.au | Carey Baptist Grammar School | AU | 1 |
catawbaschools.net | Fred T. Foard high School | US | 1 |
cathednet.wa.edu.au | Catholic Education office in Western Australia | AU | 1 |
ccnaz.org | Church of the Nazarene | US | 1 |
ccsd.net | Clark County School District | US | 1 |
ccsd146.org | District 146 Community Consolidated School Illinois | US | 1 |
cerrocoso.edu | Cerro Coso Community College | US | 1 |
cesm.org | Confederación Estatal de Sindicatos Médicos | ES | 1 |
CGIAR.org | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (Humidtropics/CGIAR) | US | 1 |
cgst.edu | China Graduate School of Theology | HK | 1 |
chattanoogastate.edu | Chattanooga State Community College | US | 1 |
cheltenham.org | Wyncote Elementary in Cheltenham Township (PA) | US | 1 |
CherryCreekSchools.org | Cherry Creek Schools | US | 1 |
Chester.ac.uk | University of Chester | UK | 1 |
clackamasfire.com | Clackamas Fire District #1 | US | 1 |
coastline.com | Coastline Community College | US | 1 |
coe.ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
colmed-alnahrain.edu.iq | College of Medicine Alnahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq | IQ | 1 |
colorado.edu | University of Colorado | US | 1 |
columbusstate.edu | Columbus State University | US | 1 |
commanderijcollege.nl | Commanderij College | NL | 1 |
consumentenbond.nl | Consumentenbond (Trainingen) | NL | 1 |
cshs.org | Cedars Sinai Medical Center | US | 1 |
csisd.org | Consolidated Middle School | US | 1 |
csmb.qc.ca | Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys | CA | 1 |
csuchico.edu | California State University, Chico | US | 1 |
cswalcheren.nl | Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Walcheren | NL | 1 |
culinarycenter.com | International Culinary Center | US | 1 |
cuni.cz | Charles University in Prague | CZ | 1 |
cuny.edu | City University of New York | US | 1 |
cu-portland.edu | Concordia University Portland | US | 1 |
d214.org | Township High School District 214, Illinois | US | 1 |
d230.org | School District 230 Sandburg, Stagg, Andrew | US | 1 |
dadeschools.net | Dade County Public Schools, Miami Florida | US | 1 |
dal.ca | Dalhousie University, Halifax | CA | 1 |
dalton.k12.ga.us | Dalton High School | US | 1 |
Dartmouth.edu | Dartmouth College | UK | 1 |
davinci-leiden.nl | Scholengroep Leonardo Da Vinci Leiden | NL | 1 |
dawson.k12.ga.us | Riverview Middle School PTSO | US | 1 |
dc.gov | McKinley Technology High School in Washington, DC | US | 1 |
deboekenberg.nl | De Boekenberg | NL | 1 |
debreed.nl | De Breed & Partners | NL | 3 |
deltacollege.edu | San Joaquin Delta College | US | 1 |
derma-jena.de | University of Jena (Derma Klinik) | DE | 1 |
det.nsw.edu.au | Barrenjoey High School | AU | 1 |
devry.edu | DeVRY University, Kansas City | US | 1 |
digipen.edu | Digipen Institute of Technology | US | 1 |
district65.net | Evanston/Skokie School District 65 | US | 1 |
dollardcollege.nl | Dollard College | NL | 1 |
dordt.edu | Dordt College | US | 1 |
dpsk12.org | Denver Public Schools district | US | 1 |
drmollercollege.nl | Dr. Mollercollege | NL | 1 |
dromtorp.vgs.no | Drømtorp VGs | NO | 1 |
dti.ulaval.ca | Laval University (dti mail) | CA | 1 |
duke.edu | Duke University | US | 1 |
dukece.edu | Duke University Corporate Education | US | 1 |
Dundee.ac.uk | Dundee University | UK | 1 |
ebnet.org | Hammarskjold Middle School | US | 1 |
ecaoh.com | Emmanuel Christian Academy in Springfield, Ohio | US | 1 |
ecisd.org | El Campo ISD (Independent School District) | US | 1 |
economics.smu.edu.sg | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
edenham.net | Edenham high school | UK | 1 |
edmondschools.net | Edmond North High School | US | 1 |
Edu.fh-campuswien.ac.at | FH Campus Wien, Austria | AT | 1 |
eduservices.org | Pigier EduService | FR | 1 |
edutactiek.nl | Edutactiek | NL | 1 |
eis.school | Esbjerg International School | DK | 1 |
elevenfifty.org | Eleven Fifty Academy | US | 1 |
elisabeth.nl | Opleidings- en Onderzoekscentrum Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
ellismedicine.org | Ellis Hospital, Schenectady | US | 1 |
els.edu | ELS Language Centers | US | 1 |
elsteachers.net | ELS Language Centers | US | 1 |
email.unc.edu | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | US | 1 |
emory.edu | Emory University School of Medicine | US | 1 |
en.uj.edu.pl | Jagiellonian University | PL | 1 |
eng.buu.ac.th | Burapha University | TH | 1 |
engineering.wustl.edu | Washington University - Engineering | US | 1 |
enpc.fr | L'École des Ponts ParisTech | FR | 1 |
eq.edu.au | Education Queensland - Kingston College | AU | 1 |
erasmusmc.nl | Erasmus Medical Centre - Rotterdam | NL | 1 |
esc2.net | Education Service Center – Texas - Region 2 | US | 1 |
esc2.us | Education Service Center – Texas - Region 2 | US | 1 |
ese.eur.nl | Erasmus School of Economics | NL | 1 |
esj.nl | ESJ Accountants & Belastingadviseurs | NL | 3 |
esmonline.org | ESM - Eastport-South Manor Central School District | US | 1 |
etu.univ-nantes.fr | Université de Nantes | FR | 1 |
etz.nl | Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
eur.nl | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | NL | 1 |
euroforum.nl | Euroforum | NL | 3 |
eurosys.be | eurosys.be | BE | 2 |
eventOplanner.com | EventOPlanner - Mobile Event Apps [Integration Partner] | NL | 2 |
eventOplanner.nl | EventOPlanner - Mobile Event Apps [Integration Partner] | NL | 2 |
exeter.ac.uk | University of Exeter | UK | 1 |
explorease.org | The Academy of Scientific Exploration | US | 1 |
fairport.org | Fairport Central School District | US | 1 |
faithlafayette.org | Faith Christian School in Lafayette | US | 1 |
fau.de | Friedrich-Alexander University | DE | 1 |
fcps.edu | Fairfax County Public Schools / Annandale High School | US | 1 |
fhws.de | University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt | DE | 1 |
Fioretti.nl | Fioretti College | NL | 1 |
fis.edu.hk | French International School in Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
FleXML.nl | FleXML | NL | 3 |
floridaea.org | Florida Education Association | US | 1 |
fn.mde.es | Spanish Marine Corps School | ES | 1 |
fnsa.ca | First Nations Schools Association | CA | 1 |
fontys.edu | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | NL | 1 |
fontys.nl | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | NL | 1 |
francis.edu | Saint Francis University | US | 1 |
Franciscus.nl | Franciscus Hospital | NL | 1 |
friscoisd.org | Frisco ISD, Texas | US | 1 |
fsu.edu | Florida State University | US | 1 |
fuhsd.org | Fremont Union High School District | US | 1 |
fullcoll.edu | Fullerton College | US | 1 |
fullsail.com | Full Sail University | US | 1 |
fultonschools.org | Fulton Schools | US | 1 |
g.hayscisd.net | Hays CISD Digital Learning, Kyle Texas | US | 1 |
g.ucla.edu | University of California | US | 1 |
gaa.edu.eg | GEMS Academy Alexandria | EG | 1 |
gallaudet.edu | Gallaudet University | US | 1 |
garlandisd.net | Garland ISD - Davis Elementary School | US | 1 |
genesisprep.com | Genesis Prep School, New Port Richey Florida | US | 1 |
gess | German European School in Singapore | SG | 1 |
gfk.com | GfK / Grow from Knowledge | DE | 3 |
ggd.amsterdam.nl | GGD Amsterdam / GezondAmsterdam | NL | 1 |
GHSD.k12.ca.us | Liberty Ranch High School | US | 1 |
git-eu.org | Global Innovation Technologies | SZ | 1 |
glenelg.org | Glenelg Country School | US | 1 |
greenbrierschools.org | Greenbrier Jr. High EAST | US | 1 |
gsf | Gooise Scholen Federatie | NL | 1 |
gtc.edu | Gateway Technical College | US | 1 |
gu.se | University of Gothenburg | SE | 1 |
guhsdaz.org | Glendale Union High School District | US | 1 |
guilderlandschools.net | Guilderland Central School District | US | 1 |
guilderlandschools.org | Guilderland Central School District | US | 1 |
hailsa.gov.sa | تعليم حائل يتسلم Hail Education | SA | 1 |
han.nl | Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | NL | 1 |
handels.gu.se | University of Gothenburg | SE | 1 |
hayscisd.net | Hays CISD Digital Learning, Kyle Texas | US | 1 |
hc.fm.usp.br | University of São Paulo, Brazil | BR | 1 |
hcbe.net | Houston County Board of Education | US | 1 |
hccs.edu | Houston Community College | US | 1 |
hccsc.k12.in.us | Huntington North High School | US | 1 |
hci.edu.sg | Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore | SG | 1 |
health.belgium.be | University of Ghent | BE | 1 |
health.nsw.gov.au | SCHN, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network / NSW Health | AU | 1 |
hec.ca | HEC Montréal | Business School | CA | 1 |
heliview.nl | Heliview | NL | 3 |
hevs.ch | Haute Ecole de Santé | CH | 1 |
hhne.org | Hebrew High School of New England | US | 1 |
hhs.nl | Haagse Hoogeschool | NL | 1 |
highpoint.edu | High Point University | US | 1 |
hkbu.edu.hk | Hong Kong Baptist University | HK | 1 |
hkmadavidli.edu.hk | The Hong Kong Management Association David Li Kwok Po College | HK | 1 |
hkmu.ac.tz | Hubert Kairuki Memorial University in Tanzania | TZ | 1 |
hogent.be | Hogeschool Gent | BE | 1 |
houstonisd.org | Edison Middle School in Houston, TX (HISD) | AE | 1 |
hr.nl | Hogeschool Rotterdam | NL | 1 |
hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu? | University of Virginia - School of Medicine | US | 1 |
hs-esslingen.de | Hochschule Esslingen | DE | 1 |
hs-karlsruhe.de | University of Applied Science Karlsruhe | DE | 1 |
hsleiden.nl | Hogeschool Leiden | NL | 1 |
hs-mainz.de | University of Applied Sciences Mainz | DE | 1 |
hu.nl | Hogeschool Utrecht | NL | 1 |
hud.ac.uk | University of Huddersfield | UK | 1 |
hva.nl | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
hws.edu | Hobart & William Smith Colleges | US | 1 |
iae-grenoble.fr | Universitaire IAE Grenoble | FR | 1 |
iamtemasek.edu.sg | Temasek Secondary School | SG | 1 |
iauw.org | Indiana Association of United Ways | US | 1 |
idg.nl | IDG | NL | 3 |
iec.idc.ac.il | The Interdisciplinary Center , Herzliya Israel | IL | 1 |
ifsc.edu.br | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina | BR | 1 |
ignatiusgymnasium.nl | Ignatius Gymnasium | NL | 1 |
iimu.ac.in | Indian Institute of Management Udaipur | IN | 1 |
iita.org | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture | US | 1 |
ikbenstyl.nl | Ik Ben Styl | NL | 1 |
illinois.edu | University of Illinois | US | 1 |
imba2010.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2012.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2013.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2014.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2015.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imperial.ac.uk | Imperial College London | US | 1 |
inholland.nl | Hogeschool Inholland | NL | 1 |
inp.pt | Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões | PT | 1 |
interact.ccsd.net | Clark County School District | US | 1 |
isd191.org | Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 (isd191) | US | 1 |
it.uu.se | Uppsala universitet (IT) | SE | 1 |
itcilo.org | International Labour Organization | IT | 1 |
itg.be | Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp | BE | 1 |
iyw.org.uk | Institute for Youth Work | UK | 1 |
JerdiggityTV.com | JerdiggityTV charitable organization | US | 1 |
jhpiego.org | JHpiego Lesotho | LS | 1 |
jinc.nl | JINC Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
johnbentley.wilts.sch.uk | The John Bentley School | UK | 1 |
johnbentleyschool.com | The John Bentley School | UK | 1 |
johnstoncc.edu | Johnston Community College | US | 1 |
k12.sd.us | South Dakota Educator - K12 | US | 1 |
k12.wv.us | West Virginia K12 schools / Fayette Institute of Technology | AU | 1 |
kampusplus.pl | Technical University Warsaw | PL | 1 |
kaplan.edu | Kaplan University | US | 1 |
kas.edu.kw | Kuwait American School | KW | 1 |
kcl.ac.uk | King's College London | UK | 1 |
KdG.be | Karel de Grote - Hogeschool te Antwerpen | BE | 1 |
keele.ac.uk | Keele University | UK | 1 |
keele.co.uk | Keele University in the UK | UK | 1 |
kellerisd.net | Keller Independent School District | US | 1 |
kent.edu | Kent State University | US | 1 |
ki.se | Karolinska Institutet | SE | 1 |
kirkwoodschools.org | Kirkwood School District | US | 1 |
kku.ac.th | Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | TH | 1 |
kkumail.ac.th | Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | TH | 1 |
kkumail.com | Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | TH | 1 |
kleinisd.net | Klein Independent School District | US | 1 |
kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de | Universitätsklinikum Leipzig (Kleintier) | DE | 1 |
knox.nsw.edu.au | Knox Grammar School, Wahroonga NSW | AU | 1 |
kolegji-heimerer.eu | Heimerer College in Pristina, Republic of Kosovo | KOS* | 1 |
kuleuven.be | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | BE | 1 |
lakelandcollege.edu | Lakeland College | US | 1 |
lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk | NHS - Hairmyres Hospital | UK | 1 |
lancastermennonite.org | Lancaster Mennonite School | US | 1 |
lappee.fi | Kesamaenrinteen Koulu, Lappeenranta | FI | 1 |
laurentian.ca | Laurentian University | Université Laurentienne | CA | 1 |
law.wustl.edu | Washington University - Law | US | 1 |
lboro.ac.uk | Loughborough University | UK | 1 |
lcb.ac.uk | Leeds College of Building | EN | 1 |
leeds.ac.uk | University of Leeds | UK | 1 |
legalmarketing.org | Legal Marketing Asosciation | US | 1 |
lentis.nl | Lentis GGZ Ouderenzorg | NL | 1 |
leraarzijn.be | Leraarzijn België | BE | 1 |
lfis.edu.hk | French International School in Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
lfmotol.cuni.cz | Charles University in Prague | CZ | 1 |
live.unc.edu | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (students) | US | 1 |
livingstoneuniversity.org | LivingStone International University | US | 1 |
loyola.edu | Loyola University Maryland | US | 1 |
lsr7.net | Lee's Summit West High School | US | 1 |
lsu.edu | Louisiana State University | US | 1 |
lu.lv | University of Latvia | LV | 1 |
luc.edu | Loyola University Chicago | US | 1 |
lvo-weert.nl | Limburgs Voortgezet Onderwijs Weert | NL | 1 |
lyndonstate.edu | Lyndon State College | US | 1 |
maastrichtuniversity.nl | Maastricht University | NL | 1 |
madlab.org.uk | Manchester Digital Laboratory | UK | 1 |
mahidol.edu | Mahidol University | TH | 1 |
mahoningesc.org | Mahoning County Educational Service Center | US | 1 |
mahsa.edu.my | MAHSA University | MY | 1 |
mail.amc.edu | Albany Medical College | US | 1 |
mail.johnstoncc.edu | Johnston Community College | US | 1 |
mail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | US | 1 |
mail2.cu-portland.edu | Concordia University Portland | US | 1 |
manchester.ac.uk | University of Manchester | UK | 1 |
marine.gu.se | University of Gothenburg | SE | 1 |
marinerhigh.com | Mariner High School, Cape Coral | US | 1 |
marktplaats.nl | Marktplaats Nederland | NL | 3 |
marton.blackpool.sch.uk | Marton Primary Academy and Nursery, Blackpool, Lancashire | UK | 1 |
maryville.edu | Maryville University | US | 1 |
mcc.virginia.edu? | University of Virginia - School of Medicine | US | 1 |
mctaworkforce.org | Mahoning and Columbiana Training Association | US | 1 |
mcusd709.org | Morton High School | US | 1 |
md.hkmu.ac.tz | Hubert Kairuki Memorial University in Tanzania (medical) | TZ | 1 |
mdc.edu | Miami Dade College | US | 1 |
mdx.ac.uk | Middelsex University | UK | 1 |
med.fsu.edu | Florida State University College of Medicine | US | 1 |
med.miami.edu | University of Miami Health System in Florida | US | 1 |
med.uni-jena.de | University of Jena (Medical school) | DE | 1 |
medicine.wustl.edu | Washington University - Medicine | US | 1 |
medizin.uni-leipzig.de | Universitätsklinikum Leipzig | DE | 1 |
memphis.edu | University of Memphis | US | 1 |
menloschool.org | Menlo School | US | 1 |
methacton.org | Methacton High School | US | 1 |
metu.edu.tr | Middle East Technical University | TR | 1 |
miami.edu | University of Miami | US | 1 |
miemss.org | Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS) | US | 1 |
mindatwork.org | Mind at Work | NL | 3 |
mit.edu | MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | US | 1 |
mjps.org.uk | Mosaic Jewish Primary School | UK | 1 |
mmu.ac.uk | Manchester Metropolitan University | UK | 1 |
mnstate.edu | Minnesota State University Moorhead | US | 1 |
moe.bh | Ministry of Education (Bahrain) - Othman Bin Affan Intermediate boys school | BH | 1 |
moe.edu.sg | Ministry of Education (Teachers), Singapore | SG | 1 |
moe.gov.sg | Ministry of Education, Singapore | SG | 1 |
montessoricollege.nl | Montessori College Nijmegen | NL | 1 |
montreat.edu | Montreat College | US | 1 |
Morgan.k12.co.us | Fort Morgan High School | US | 1 |
mpls.k12.mn.us | Minneapolis Public Schools | US | 1 |
msstate.edu | Mississippi State University | US | 1 |
MUMC.nl | Maastricht University Medical Campus (MUMC) | NL | 1 |
my.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University / Nijenrode Business Universiteit | NL | 1 |
myips.org | Broad Ripple Magnet High School for the Arts and Humanities | US | 1 |
nacue.com | National Association of College and University Entrepreneurs | UK | 1 |
nais.hk | Nord Anglia international School Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
naric.org.uk | The National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom | UK | 1 |
navy.mil | United States Navy | US | 1 |
nbcol.ac.uk | Northbrook College | UK | 1 |
nd.edu | University of Notre Dame | US | 1 |
ndu.edu | National Defense University | US | 1 |
nexus.edu.my | Nexus International School, Putrajaya, Malaysia | MY | 1 |
ngu.edu.eg | NewGiza University (NGU), Cairo Egypt | EG | 1 |
nhaschools.com | National Heritage Academies | US | 1 |
nhs.net | NHS - National Health Service | UK | 1 |
nhtv.nl | NHTV / Internationaal hoger onderwijs Breda | NL | 1 |
nicm.nl | NICM | NL | 3 |
niveopleidingen.nl | NIVE Opleidingen | NL | 1 |
nki.nl | Netherlands Cancer Institute / Nederlands Kanker Instituut / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
nmu.ua | Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv | UA | 1 |
nordwincollege.nl | Nordwin College | NL | 1 |
northbrook.ac.uk | Northbrook College | UK | 1 |
northernhighlands.org | Northern Highlands NJ | US | 1 |
notes.k12.hi.us | Kilauea Elementary School | US | 1 |
nottingham.ac.uk | University of Nottingham (UK) | UK | 1 |
Novitasacademy.org | Novitas Academy | US | 1 |
np.edu.sg | Ngee Ann Polytechnic | SG | 1 |
nsu.edu | Norfolk State University | UK | 1 |
ntu.ac.uk | Nottingham Trent University | GB | 1 |
nu.ac.th | Naresuan University, Phisanulok | TH | 1 |
nvcc.edu | Northern Virginia Community College | US | 1 |
nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University / Nijenrode Business Universiteit | NL | 1 |
o2g2.nl | Groninger Opleidingsschool van Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen | NL | 1 |
oa193.org | Ashwanchi Kinta Order of the Arrow | US | 1 |
okanagan.bc.ca | Okanagan College, British Columbia | CL | 1 |
oldscollege.ca | Olds College, in Alberta, Canada | CA | 1 |
onderwijsgroepnoord.nl | Onderwijsgroepnoord | NL | 1 |
ontdekking.net | Kindcentrum De Ontdekking Oosterhout | NL | 1 |
oosterlicht.nl | Oosterlicht College | NL | 1 |
oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | US | 1 |
orionschools.us | Orion High School, Illinois | US | 1 |
ortopediapelaez.com | Centro Ortopédico Peláez - Argentina | AR | 1 |
ortweinschule.at | Ortwein Schule Graz, Austria | AT | 1 |
osstf.ca | Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation | CA | 1 |
palmaccsd.org | Palmyra-Macedon Central School District | US | 1 |
palmbeachstate.edu | Palm Beach State College | SZ | 1 |
parisdescartes.fr | Paris Descartes University | IUT de Paris | FR | 1 |
pbcharterschools.org | Inlet Grove Community High School | US | 1 |
pcps.us | Ponca City Public Schools | US | 1 |
pcs-nyc.org | Professional Children's School in New York City | US | 1 |
pearlriver.org | Pearl River High School | US | 1 |
peds.ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
Pembrokeshire.ac.uk | Pembrokeshire College, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest | UK | 1 |
penistone-gs.uk | Penistone Grammar School, Sheffield | UK | 1 |
pimonline.nl | PIM - Platform Innovatie in Marketing | NL | 3 |
Pintapeople.com | Pinta People | NL | 1 |
piwoni.pl | First Private High School Szczecin | PL | 1 |
polfed.be | Federale Politie Belgie (Kenniscentrum) | BE | 1 |
police.ac.be | Federale Politie Belgie (Academie) | BE | 1 |
police.be | Federale Politie Belgie | BE | 1 |
politikzumanfassen.de | Politik zum Anfassen e.V. | DE | 1 |
polito.it | Politecnico di Torino | IT | 1 |
postgrad.ac.uk | University of Manchester | UK | 1 |
psychiatry.wustl.edu | Washington University - Psychiatry | US | 1 |
pua.edu.eg | Pharos University in Alexandria | EG | 1 |
pueblocityschools.us | Pueblo City Schools Colorado | US | 1 |
pxl.be | Hogeschool PXL | BE | 1 |
qas.org.uk | Queen Anne's School | UK | 1 |
radiol.uu.se | Uppsala universitet (Radiology) | SE | 1 |
Rdgg.nl | Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis | NL | 1 |
re1valleyschools.org | RE-1 Valley Schools, Colorado | US | 1 |
reading.ac.uk | University of Reading | UK | 1 |
rebelgroup.com | Rebel Junior Academy | NL | 1 |
ref-aargau.ch | Swiss State Church - Reformierte Kirche Aargau | CH | 1 |
ref-umiken.ch | Swiss State Church - Reformierte Kirche Umiken | CH | 1 |
research.wustl.edu | Washington University - Research | US | 1 |
richmond.edu | University of Richmond | US | 1 |
rijnlandslyceum-rlw.nl | Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar | NL | 1 |
rivercityscience.org | River City Science Academy | US | 1 |
rkish.de | Rettungsdienst-Kooperation - RKiSH Akademie Heide | DE | 1 |
rmit.edu.au | RMIT University Melbourne | AU | 1 |
rockford.edu | Rockford University | US | 1 |
RockValleyCollege.edu | Rock Valley College | US | 1 |
rocmn.nl | ROC Midden Nederland | NL | 1 |
rocva.nl | ROCVA - Regionaal Opleidings Centrum van Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
ROCWB.nl | ROC West Brabant | NL | 1 |
Roselleschools.org | Roselle Public School District | US | 1 |
roundrockisd.org | Round Rock ISD | US | 1 |
rsgdeborgen.nl | Rsg De Borgen | NL | 1 |
rug.nl | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen (Students) | NL | 1 |
rug.nl | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen | NL | 1 |
rugbyschool.net | Rugby School | UK | 1 |
rumsonfairhaven.org | Rumson Fair Haven High School | US | 1 |
rush.edu | Rush University Medical Center | US | 1 |
ryerson.ca | Ryerson University | CA | 1 |
sait.ca | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) | US | 1 |
salam.uitm.edu.my | Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA | MY | 1 |
sandburg.edu | Carl Sandburg College | US | 1 |
sankaranethralaya.org | Charitable Eye institute, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai | IN | 1 |
satinxfac.com | St. Xavier High School | US | 1 |
sau18.org | Franklin & Hill School District #SAU18 | US | 1 |
school21.org.uk | School 21 London | UK | 1 |
schoolcommunicationarts.com | The School of Communication Arts 2.0 | UK | 1 |
schoolkringen.nl | Schoolkringen | NL | 1 |
schule.duesseldorf.de | Schloß-Gymnasium Benrath, Düsseldorf | DE | 1 |
sd43.bc.ca | School District #43 Coquitlam | CA | 1 |
sd58.bc.ca | Nicola Canford Elementary School | CA | 1 |
sd61.bc.ca | Greate Victoria School District | CA | 1 |
seablind.org | Sea Blind - the price of shipping our stuff | NL | 1 |
segebergerkliniken.de | Segeberger Kliniken Gruppe | DE | 1 |
sfu.ca | Simon Fraser University | US | 1 |
shared-ed.ac.uk | SharEd Education Services - Liverpool College Group | UK | 1 |
sheltonstate.edu | Shelton State Community College | US | 1 |
ship.edu | Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania | US | 1 |
shsg.org | Southend High School for Girls | UK | 1 |
sipkewynia.nl | V.S.V. Sipke Wynia | NL | 1 |
sisdk12.net | Somerset Independent School District | US | 1 |
skema.edu | SKEMA Business School | NL | 1 |
sliit.lk | Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology | LK | 1 |
slmandic.edu.br | Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic | BR | 1 |
SLMANDIC.EDU.BR | Sao Leopoldo Mandic | BR | 1 |
smidswater.nl | Smidswater | NL | 3 |
smithville.k12.mo.us | Smithville R-II School District | NL | 1 |
smu.edu | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
smu.edu.sg | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
snhu.edu | Southern New Hampshire University | US | 1 |
snmail.org | Charitable Eye institute, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai | IN | 1 |
southern.edu | Southern Adventist University | US | 1 |
sp.edu.sg | Singapore Polytechnic | SP | 1 |
spotsylvania.k12.va.us | Spotsylvania County Public Schools | US | 1 |
staffs.ac.uk | Staffordshire University | UK | 1 |
stanford.edu | Stanford University | US | 1 |
starterslift.nl | Starterslift | NL | 3 |
stfx.ca | St. Francis Xavier University | CA | 1 |
stnicholas.com.br | St Nicholas School São Paulo Brazil | BR | 1 |
student.aoc-oost.nl | AOC Oost (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.eur.nl | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.hhs.nl | Haagse Hoogeschool - Students | NL | 1 |
student.hu.nl | Hogeschool Utrecht (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.inholland.nl | Hogeschool Inholland (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.kuleuven.be | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Students) | BE | 1 |
student.maastrichtuniversity.nl | Maastricht University (students) | NL | 1 |
student.manchester.ac.uk | University of Manchester | UK | 1 |
student.uantwerpen.be | Universiteit van Antwerpen (students) | BE | 1 |
student.ucll.be | UC Leuven Limburg (Students) | BE | 1 |
student.unsw.edu.au | University of New South Wales (Student) | AU | 1 |
student.uwa.edu.au | University of Western Australia - Students | AU | 1 |
studenti.unige.it | Università degli studi di Genova (Studenti) | IT | 1 |
students.hs-mainz.de | University of Applied Sciences Mainz (Students) | DE | 1 |
students.uu.nl | Universiteit Utrecht (students) | NL | 1 |
studentvillage.co.za | Student Village Youth Marketing | ZA | 3 |
sullivan.edu | Sullivan University | US | 1 |
sunwardparkhighschool.com | Sunward Park High School | ZA | 1 |
sunyit.edu | SUNY Polytechnic Institute | US | 1 |
sunypoly.edu | SUNY Polytechnic Institute | US | 1 |
susd12.org | Sunnyside Unified School District #12 | US | 1 |
svusdk12.net | Silver Valley Unified School District | US | 1 |
sydney.edu.au | University of Sydney | AU | 1 |
taasa.org | Texas Association Against Sexual Assault | US | 1 |
tabijn.nl | Tabijn onderwijs dicht bij jou | NL | 1 |
tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | US | 1 |
tandemmantelzorg.nl | Tandem | Centrum voor Mantelzorgondersteuning | NL | 1 |
tastafe.tas.edu.au | TasTAFE Tasmania | AU | 1 |
tcat.ac.uk | Telford College of Arts & Technology | UK | 1 |
tcboe.org | Talladega County Schools | US | 1 |
tdsb.on.ca | Toronto District School Board | CA | 1 |
teacher.hkuspace.hku.hk | Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education | HK | 1 |
techniekpact.nl | Techniekpact | NL | 1 |
teex.tamu.edu | Texas University A&M Extension | US | 1 |
tenby.edu.my | Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park (Kuala Lumpur) | MY | 1 |
terra.nl | Terra | NL | 1 |
tges.org | TGES - The Galaxy Education System | IN | 1 |
theforgeinitiative.org | The Forge Initiative / Wake Robotics | US | 1 |
thevalley.es | The Valley | ES | 1 |
thevallians.com | The Valley | ES | 1 |
tilburguniversity.edu | Tilburg University / Universiteit van Tilburg | NL | 1 |
tmo.nl | TMO Fashion Business School | NL | 1 |
torontocameraclub.com | Toronto Camera Club (since 1888) | CA | 3 |
trinityprep.org | Trinity Preparatory School | US | 1 |
tulsastem.org | Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance | US | 1 |
txstate.edu | Texas State University | UK | 1 |
uab.edu | University of Alabama at Birmingham | US | 1 |
uakron.edu | University of Akron | US | 1 |
uam.es | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | ES | 1 |
uantwerpen.be | Universiteit van Antwerpen | BE | 1 |
uark.edu | University of Arkansas | US | 1 |
ub.edu | University of Barcelona | ES | 1 |
uc.cl | Universidad Católica de Chile | CL | 1 |
uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | US | 1 |
uci.edu | University of California, Irvine | US | 1 |
ucl.ac.uk | University College London | UK | 1 |
ucla.edu | University of California | US | 1 |
uclan.ac.uk | The University of Central Lancashire | UK | 1 |
uclh.nhs.uk | NHS - University College London Hospitals UCLA | UK | 1 |
ucll.be | UC Leuven Limburg | BE | 1 |
ucmail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | US | 1 |
ucsd.edu | UC San Diego School of Medicine | US | 1 |
ucsf.edu | University of California San Francisco | US | 1 |
uea.ac.uk | University of East Anglia | UK | 1 |
uek.krakow.pl | Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie (Cracow University of Economics) | PL | 1 |
uel.ac.uk | University of East London | UK | 1 |
ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
ufpr.br | Universidade Federal do Paraná | BR | 1 |
ugent.be | Universiteit Gent | BE | 1 |
uic.edu | Illinois College of Medicine | US | 1 |
uiwtx.edu | University of the Incarnate Word - Texas | US | 1 |
uj.edu.pl | Jagiellonian University | PL | 1 |
uky.edu | University of Kentucky | US | 1 |
ulaval.ca | Laval University | CA | 1 |
umcutrecht.nl | Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht | NL | 1 |
umiami.edu | University of Miami | US | 1 |
umich.edu | University of Michigan | US | 1 |
umn.edu | University of Minnesota | US | 1 |
umu.se | Umeå University | SE | 1 |
unav.es | University of Nevarra | ES | 1 |
unc.edu | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | US | 1 |
uni-bge.hu | Budapest Business School in Hungary | HU | 1 |
unige.it | Università degli studi di Genova | IT | 1 |
uni-jena.de | University of Jena | DE | 1 |
uniklinik-freiburg.de | Universitätsklinikum Freiburg | DE | 1 |
unimail.hud.ac.uk | University of Huddersfield | Students | UK | 1 |
uni-mannheim.de | University of Mannheim | DE | 1 |
unimelb.edu.au | The University of Melbourne | AU | 1 |
uniovi.es | Universidad de Oviedo | ES | 1 |
unisa.edu.au | University of South Australia | AU | 1 |
universityprep.org | University Prep, Seattle | US | 1 |
univ-nantes.fr | Université de Nantes | FR | 1 |
unsw.edu.au | University of New South Wales | AU | 1 |
uottawa.ca | University of Ottawa | CA | 1 |
up.ac.za | University of Pretoria | ZA | 1 |
upi.edu | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | ID | 1 |
usal.edu.ar | Universidad del Salvador | AR | 1 |
usd504.org | Oswego School District U.S.D 504 | US | 1 |
usm.my | Universiti Sains Malaysia | MY | 1 |
usp.br | University of São Paulo, Brazil | BR | 1 |
usu.edu | Utah State University | US | 1 |
utoronto.ca | University of Toronto | CA | 1 |
utwente.nl | University of Twente | NL | 1 |
uu.nl | Universiteit Utrecht | NL | 1 |
uva.nl | Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
uvu.edu | Utah Valley University | US | 1 |
uw.edu | Univerisity of Washington | US | 1 |
uwa.edu.au | University of Western Australia | AU | 1 |
uwc.ac.za | University of the Western Cape, South Africa | ZA | 1 |
uwf.edu | University of West Florida | US | 1 |
uws.ac.uk | University of West of Scotland | UK | 1 |
uzgent.be | University Hospital Ghent | BE | 1 |
Uzleuven.be | UZ Leuven | BE | 1 |
vanderbilt.edu | Vanderbilt University | US | 1 |
vcacademy.info | Victory Christian Academy | US | 1 |
vcu.edu | Virginia Commonwealth University | US | 1 |
vd.ch | Education board of Etat de Vaud - Lausanne | CH | 1 |
vechtstreekenvenen.nl | Vechtstreek en Venen | NL | 1 |
vgpo-accretio.nl | De Uitleg, Dalfsen | NL | 1 |
viableeducation.com | Viable Education Solutions | US | 1 |
virginia.edu | University of Virginia | US | 1 |
vives.be | Hogeschool Vives | BE | 1 |
vlot.be | VLOT - School voor Wetenschap, Techniek en Technologie | BE | 1 |
vlot-vti.be | VLOT - School voor Wetenschap, Techniek en Technologie | BE | 1 |
vo-raad.nl | Voortgezet Onderwijs Raad | NL | 1 |
vswidar.nl | Waldorfschool Widar | NL | 1 |
vths.org | Valley Torah High school | US | 1 |
vti-lokeren.be | VLOT - School voor Wetenschap, Techniek en Technologie | BE | 1 |
vub.ac.be | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | BE | 1 |
vvc.edu | Victor Valley College | US | 1 |
wageningenur.nl | Wageningen University & Research - Wageningen UR | NL | 1 |
wellington.trafford.sch.uk | Wellington School | UK | 1 |
west-cheshire.ac.uk | African Initiative for Mankind Progress Organization | CH | 1 |
westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk | West Yorkshire Police – Learning and Development Centre | UK | 1 |
wfsd.k12.ny.us | William Floyd School District, Mastic Beach NY | US | 1 |
whitehouseisd.org | Whitehouse High School | US | 1 |
whrsd.k12.ma.us | Whitman-Hanson Regional High Schools | US | 1 |
windesheim | Hogeschool Windesheim | NL | 1 |
wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin | US | 1 |
wiso.uni-koeln.de | University of Cologne | DE | 1 |
worldvision.ch | WorldVision Switserland | CH | 3 |
worldvision.nl | WorldVision Nederland | NL | 3 |
worldvision.org | WorldVision - Sponsor a Child | CH | 3 |
wtc.edu | Western Texas College | US | 1 |
wur.nl | Wageningen University & Research - Wageningen UR | NL | 1 |
wustl.edu | Washington University | US | 1 |
wvi.org | WorldVision - Sponsor a Child | CH | 3 |
www.hayesbrook.kent.sch.uk | The Hayesbrook School | UK | 1 |
xavier.edu | Xavier University | US | 1 |
yale.edu | Yale University - School of Medicine | US | 1 |
yorku.ca | York University / Université, Toronto, Canada | CA | 1 |
zayedacademy.ac.ae | Sheikh Zayed Private Academy for Girls | AE | 1 |
zeppelin-university.net | Zeppelin Universität | DE | 1 |
zion6.org | Zion Elementary School District 6 | US | 1 |
zips.uakron.edu | University of Akron (Zips) | US | 1 |
zuiverICT.nl | Zuiver ICT | NL | 3 |
zuyd.nl | ZUYD Hogeschool | NL | 1 |