VoxVote Granted Universities.
Here you can find the list of all domains enrolled and are VoxVote granted (resulting in full free usage!) organizations or partners. If your email address domain is on this list (please search in the list before making a new request), you have these benefits. If you want to be listed here and under what conditions, you can read more here
To indicate: with an average of 30 users per school/university, we have successfully implemented 60.000 users. Worth millions of commercial licenses. We think: better spent your school budget on teachers. That's the way we work!
Happy voting,
Domain list:
2108 Universities and educational institutes with full free access to VoxVote..
domain | name / organization | country | domain type |
1on1church.com | 1on1 Church Indiana | US | 1 |
2deHands.be | 2deHands / Tweedehands | BE | 3 |
aalto.fi | Aalto University | FI | 1 |
aaos.org | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | US | 1 |
aau.edu.et | Addis Ababa University | ET | 1 |
abdn.ac.uk | Aberdeen University | UK | 1 |
abf.gov.au | Australian Border Force College | AU | 1 |
ac.rwth-aachen.de | RWTH Aachen University | DE | 1 |
ac.upc.edu | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC (Computer Architecture) | ES | 1 |
academiaavance.com | Academia Avance (Charter School) | US | 1 |
academiebuggenhout.be | Academie Buggenhout | BE | 1 |
academio.uenf.br | Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (Academio) | BR | 1 |
ac-aix-marseille.fr | Académie d'Aix-Marseille | FR | 1 |
acap.edu.au | Australian College of Applied Psychology | AU | 1 |
ac-bordeaux.fr | Academie of Bordeaux | FR | 1 |
accelerated.org | The Accelerated Schools Los Angeles | US | 1 |
acclaimhealth.ca | Acclaim Health | CA | 1 |
ac-creteil.fr | Académie de Créteil | FR | 1 |
ac-grenoble.fr | Les Pierres Plantes Secondary school, Grenoble | FR | 1 |
achievementfirst.org | Achievement First - Public Charter Schools | US | 1 |
ac-lille.fr | l’académie de Lille | FR | 1 |
ac-lyon.fr | Académie de Lyon | FR | 1 |
ac-orleans-tours.fr | Académie d'Orléans-Tours | FR | 1 |
acps.k12.va.us | George Washington Middle School, VA | US | 1 |
ac-reims.fr | Académie de Reims | FR | 1 |
acs.si | Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (Andragoski Center Slovenije) | SI | 1 |
ac-toulouse.fr | Académie Toulouse | FR | 1 |
acwet.nl | Academie voor Wetgeving | NL | 1 |
ada.ac.uk | Ada. National College for Digital Skills | UK | 1 |
adacollege.org.uk | Ada. National College for Digital Skills | UK | 1 |
adams12.org | Adams 12 Five Star Schools | US | 1 |
addenbrookes.nhs.uk | Addenbrooke's Hospital Emergency Department | CA | 1 |
add-ons.eventOplanner.com | EventOPlanner - Mobile Event Apps [Integration Partner] | NL | 2 |
adelaide.edu.au | University of Adelaide | AU | 1 |
adelante-zorggroep.nl | Adelante Academie van Adelante Zorggroep | NL | 1 |
adventistas.org | Seventh Day Adventist Church in Argentina | AR | 1 |
adventistas.org.ar | Seventh Day Adventist Church in Argentina (email) | AR | 1 |
aebenedita.pt | Agrupamento de Escolas da Benedita | PT | 1 |
aebenfica.pt | Agrupamento de Escolas de Benfica (Benfica’s School Group) | PT | 1 |
Aeres.nl | Aeres Mbo Barneveld | NL | 1 |
agh.edu.pl | AGH Univesity | PL | 1 |
agronov.com | Agronov | FR | 1 |
agrosupdijon.fr | Agronov / AgrosubDijon | FR | 1 |
ahg.org | Allegheny General Hospital General Surgery Residency Program | US | 1 |
aipmo.org | Association of International Project Management Officers | CH | 1 |
aircadets.org | Royal Air Force Air Cadet | UK | 1 |
alamancecc.edu | Alamance Community College | US | 1 |
alamo.edu | Alamo Colleges District, in San Antonio | US | 1 |
albynschool.co.uk | Albyn School | UK | 1 |
alfa-college.nl | Alfa College Hogeschool | NL | 1 |
alisal.org | Alisal Union School District | US | 1 |
alliant.edu | Alliant International University | US | 1 |
alma.edu | Alma College in Alma, Michigan | US | 1 |
almaschools.net | Alma Schools Michigan | US | 1 |
alnahrain.edu.iq | Alnahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq | IQ | 1 |
alperton.brent.sch.uk | Alperton community school | UK | 1 |
alu.ucam.edu | UCAM University (Alumni), Murcia | ES | 1 |
alumni.ie.edu | IE Business School Madrid (Alumni) | ES | 1 |
alumni.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania (Alumni) | US | 1 |
alumno.udg.mx | Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) Students | MX | 1 |
alumnos.uacj.mx | Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (Alumnos) | MX | 1 |
alunos.utfpr.edu.br | Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (alunos) | BR | 1 |
alvanikoku.edu.ng | Alvan Ikoku federal college of education | NG | 1 |
alvord.k12.ca.us | Hillcrest High School, Riverside, CA | US | 1 |
alvordschools.org | Hillcrest High School, Riverside, CA | US | 1 |
ama.edu.ph | AMA Computer College Calamba | PH | 1 |
ama.edu.ph | AMA University/Colleges - Calamba Branch | PH | 1 |
amac.gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology (Amac) | US | 1 |
amc.nl | Academisch Medisch Centrum | NL | 1 |
amc.uva.nl | Academisch Medisch Centrum (UvA) | NL | 1 |
amee.org | Association for Medical Education | UK | 1 |
amningshjalpen.se | Amningshjälpen | SE | 1 |
amu.kz | Astana Medical University | KZ | 1 |
anderskijkennaarkinderen.eu | Anders kijken naar Kinderen | NL | 1 |
anderskijkennaarkinderen.nl | Anders kijken naar Kinderen | NL | 1 |
andorftechnologyschool.at | Andorf Technology School | AT | 1 |
andrews.edu | Andrews University | US | 1 |
angelresource.org | Angel Resource Institute | US | 1 |
anhembi.br | Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM) | BR | 1 |
anthro.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Department of Anthropology) | DK | 1 |
anu.edu.au | Australian National University Acton | AU | 1 |
aoc-oost.nl | AOC Oost | NL | 1 |
apapul.ulaval.ca | Laval University (mail) | CA | 1 |
apiu.edu | Asia-Pacific International University | TH | 1 |
appomattox.k12.va.us | Appomattox County High School Virginia | US | 1 |
aps.k12.co.us | Aurora Public Schools | US | 1 |
apsva.us | Arlington Public Schools - Virginia | US | 1 |
aqpmo.ca | Association québécoise de physiothérapie manuelle orthopédique (AQPMO) | CA | 1 |
aqpmo.ca | L'Association Québecoise de Physiothérapie Manuelle Orthopédique | CA | 1 |
aquinasschools.org | Aquinas High School | US | 1 |
arcada.fi | ARCADA - University of Applied Sciences | FI | 1 |
are-gymnasium.de | Are-Gymnasium Bad Neuenahr | DE | 1 |
ares-ac.be | ARES - Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement supérieur | BE | 1 |
arkelvinacademy.org | Ark Elvin Academy | UK | 1 |
army.mod.uk | Ministry of Defence (Army) | UK | 1 |
arquitectura.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Architecture) | PT | 1 |
arteveldehs.be | Arteveldehogeschool | BE | 1 |
ArtEZ.nl | ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten | NL | 1 |
arts.ac.uk | University of the Arts London | UK | 1 |
artsci.wustl.edu | Washington University - Artsci | US | 1 |
asante.org | Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center | US | 1 |
asburyseminary.edu | Asbury Theological Seminary | US | 1 |
asd.wednet.edu | Post Middle School Arlington school district | US | 1 |
ashgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk | Ashfield Girls’ High School in Belfast Northern Ireland. | UK | 1 |
asmadrid.es | The American School of Madrid | ES | 1 |
asmadrid.org | The American School of Madrid | ES | 1 |
astro.su.se | Stockholm University (Astro) | SE | 1 |
asz.nl | Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
ath.msu.edu | Michigan State University (ATH) | US | 1 |
atriumscholen.nl | Atriumscholen | Paus Johannesschool, Sint Pancras | NL | 1 |
atsu.edu | A. T. Still University (ATSU) | US | 1 |
attendiz.nl | Attendiz Scholengemeenschap | NL | 1 |
au.edu | Assumption University | AU | 1 |
aub.edu.lb | American University of Beirut (AUB) | LB | 1 |
auburn.edu | Auburn University | US | 1 |
auca.kg | The American University of Central Asia | KG | 1 |
auckland.ac.nz | University of Auckland | NZ | 1 |
augusta.edu | Augusta University | US | 1 |
aurora.edu | Aurora University | US | 1 |
ausd.net | Arcadia Unified School District | US | 1 |
austin.utexas.edu | The University of Texas (Austin) | US | 1 |
austininternationalschool.org | Austin International School | US | 1 |
austinis.org | Austin International School | US | 1 |
austinisd.org | Austin Independent School District | US | 1 |
AVANS.NL | Avans Hogeschool | NL | 1 |
avc.edu | Antelope Valley College | US | 1 |
avon.k12.ma.us | Avon Middle High School in Avon | US | 1 |
azed.gov | Arizona Department of Education | US | 1 |
azhar.edu.eg | Alazhar University | EG | 1 |
aznyi.com | Arizona Nazarene Youth International District | US | 1 |
aznyi.org | Arizona Nazarene Youth International District | US | 1 |
baldwinnyc.org | The James Baldwin School NY | US | 1 |
banyaiiskola.hu | Bányaii Skola - Bajai Szakképzési Centrum Bányai Júlia Kereskedelmi | HU | 1 |
bartshealth.nhs.uk | Barts Health NHS - Newham University Hospital | UK | 1 |
basics-scotland.org.uk | Basics Scotland Charity | UK | 1 |
basketbal.vlaanderen | Basketbal Vlaanderen (Organizers and Trainers) | BE | 1 |
bath.ac.uk | Bath University | UK | 1 |
bau.edu.lb | Beirut Arab University | LB | 1 |
bbat.nl | BBAT | NL | 3 |
bbmri-eric.eu | BBMRI-ERIC | AT | 1 |
bbs-einbeck.de | Berufsbildende Schulen / BBS Einbeck | DE | 1 |
bbs-papenburg.eu | BBS Papenburg Technik und Wirtschaft | DE | 1 |
bbz-sh.ch | Berufsfachschullehrer ABU (BBZ-SH) | CH | 1 |
bcm.edu | Baylor College of Medicine | US | 1 |
bcm.edu | Baylor College of Medicine | US | 1 |
bcswan.net | Brunswick County Schools | US | 1 |
bctf.ca | British Columbia Teachers’ Federation | CA | 1 |
bcu.ac.uk | Birmingham City University | UK | 1 |
bda.uk.com | British Dietetic Association. | UK | 1 |
bedfordschool.org.uk | Bedford School Bedfordshire | UK | 1 |
bellevuechristian.org | Bellevue Christian School | UK | 1 |
ben.edu | Benedictine University | US | 1 |
bennett.edu | Bennett College | US | 1 |
bennps.org | Bennington Public Schools | US | 1 |
bensalemsd.org | Bensalem High School | US | 1 |
Berkeley.edu | University of California Berkeley | US | 1 |
berkeleycountysc.gov | Berkeley County Library System | US | 1 |
berkshireschool.org | Berkshire School | US | 1 |
bernardusscholen.be | Bernardus Scholen Oudenaarde | BE | 1 |
beuth-hochschule.de | Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin | DE | 1 |
bexar.org | Bexar County Police | US | 1 |
bez-breisgau.dlrg.de | Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft Landesverband Baden Bezirk Breisgau e.V. | DE | 1 |
bfet.uk | Bright Futures Educational Trust | UK | 1 |
bfh.ch | Bern University of Applied Sciences | CH | 1 |
bgu.ac.il | Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel | IL | 1 |
bham.ac.uk | University of Birmingham | UK | 1 |
bhc.edu | Black Hawk College | US | 1 |
bhncdsb.ca | Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board | CA | 1 |
bimm.co.uk | The British and Irish Modern Music Institute | UK | 1 |
bio.tu-darmstadt.de | Technische Universität Darmstadt (Biology) | DE | 1 |
bio.uminho.pt | CITAB, University of Minho (Biology) | PT | 1 |
bioenv.gu.se | University of Gothenburg (BioEnv) | SE | 1 |
bischarlotte.org | British international School of Charlotte | US | 1 |
bishops.org.za | Bishops Diocesan College | ZA | 1 |
bladencc.edu | Bladen Community College | US | 1 |
blanquerna.url.edu | Blanquerna School for Communication & International Relations in Barcelona | ES | 1 |
BMET.ac.uk | BMET College | UK | 1 |
bn.hkmu.ac.tz | Hubert Kairuki Memorial University in Tanzania (nurses) | TZ | 1 |
bne.catholic.edu.au | Xavier Catholic College | AU | 1 |
bodwell.edu | Bodwell High School in North Vancouver Canada | CA | 1 |
bog.northcarolina.edu | University of North Carolina | BOG (online education committee) | US | 1 |
boisestate.edu | Boise State University | US | 1 |
bomjesus.br | Colégio Bom Jesus | BR | 1 |
bond.edu.au | Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia | AU | 1 |
boun.edu.tr | Bogazici University | TR | 1 |
bournemouth.ac.uk | University of Bournemouth | UK | 1 |
bphawks.org | Bethel Park High School | UK | 1 |
bradford.ac.uk | University of Bradford | UK | 1 |
brandeis.edu | Brandeis University | US | 1 |
bravis.nl | Bravis Moeder & kindcentrum te Bergen op Zoom | NL | 1 |
brazcubas.br | Braz Cubas Educação | BR | 1 |
brighthorizons.co.uk | Bright Horizons (Day Nurseries and Preschools) | UK | 1 |
brighthorizons.com | Bright Horizons (Day Nurseries and Preschools) | UK | 1 |
brighton.ac.uk | University of Brighton | UK | 1 |
brighton.sa.edu.au | Brighton Secondary School | AU | 1 |
brightonss.sa.edu.au | Brighton Secondary School | AU | 1 |
brigidine.nsw.edu.au | Brigidine College, St Ives, Sydney Australia | AU | 1 |
bristol.ac.uk | University of Bristol | UK | 1 |
bristolcc.edu | Bristol Community College | UK | 1 |
brockisd.net | BrockISD Texas | US | 1 |
brookes.ac.uk | Oxford Brookes University | UK | 1 |
brooksandkirk.co.uk | Brooks and Kirk Assessor Training | UK | 1 |
browardschools.com | Hollywood Hills High School | US | 1 |
brvgs.k12.va.us | Blue Ridge Virtual Governors School, Orange County High School | US | 1 |
bsd.uchicago.edu | University of Chicago (Biological Science) | US | 1 |
bs-lauingen.de | Berufsschule Lauingen | DE | 1 |
bsm.upf.edu | Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona School of Management (BSM) | ES | 1 |
b-tu.de | Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus | DE | 1 |
btu.edu.tr | Bursa Technical University | TR | 1 |
bu.ac.th | Bankok University | TH | 1 |
buas.nl | Breda University of Applied Sciences | NL | 1 |
buckeyemail.osu.edu | Ohio State University (buckeyemail) | US | 1 |
bucks.ac.uk | Buckinghamshire New University | UK | 1 |
bucks.ac.uk | Bucks New University | UK | 1 |
buffalo.edu | University at Buffalo | US | 1 |
buffaloschools.org | Buffalo Public Schools | US | 1 |
buggenhout.be | Academie Buggenhout | BE | 1 |
burlingameschools.org | Burlingame Schools | US | 1 |
business.fsu.edu | Florida State University College of Business | US | 1 |
business.smu.edu.sg | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
buu.ac.th | Burapha University | TH | 1 |
bwh.harvard.edu | Harvard University (bwh) | US | 1 |
bwl.lmu.de | Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (BWL) | DE | 1 |
calandlyceum.nl | Caland Lyceum Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
calbaptist.edu | California Baptist University | US | 1 |
caldwellschools.com | West Caldwell High School | US | 1 |
calhounisd.org | Calhoun Intermediate School District | US | 1 |
calsouth.com | California South Soccer Association(CS) | US | 1 |
calvertnet.k12.md.us | Calvert County Public Schools | US | 1 |
calvin.edu | Calvin College / Calvin University | US | 1 |
cam.ac.uk | University of Cambridge | UK | 1 |
cambridge.gov.uk | Cambridge City Council | UK | 1 |
cambridge.org | Cambridge University | UK | 1 |
caminonuevo.org | Camino Nuevo Charter Academy | US | 1 |
campbell.edu | Campbell University | US | 1 |
camphusianum.nl | Gymnasium Camphusianum | NL | 1 |
campus.eae.es | EAE Business School Madrid (Campus) | ES | 1 |
campus.fct.unl.pt | NOVA University of Lisbon (Campus) | PT | 1 |
campus.lmu.de | Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (CAMPUS) | DE | 1 |
campus.tu-berlin.de | Technical University in Berlin (Students/Campus) | DE | 1 |
canadanailcup.com | Canada Nail Cup | CA | 1 |
canisius.nl | Sg. Canisius | NL | 1 |
cannockchase-high.staffs.sch.uk | Cannock Chase High School | UK | 1 |
cape.k12.de.us | Cape Henlopen High School | US | 1 |
cardiff.ac.uk | Cardiff University | UK | 1 |
careertech.ok.gov | Oklahoma Department of Career & Technology Education | US | 1 |
carey.com.au | Carey Baptist Grammar School | AU | 1 |
carroll.edu | Carroll College | US | 1 |
case.edu | Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) | US | 1 |
catawbaschools.net | Fred T. Foard high School | US | 1 |
cathednet.wa.edu.au | Catholic Education office in Western Australia | AU | 1 |
catoosa.k12.ga.us | Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School | US | 1 |
cbe.ab.ca | Calgary Board of Education | CA | 1 |
cc.uoi.gr | University of Ioannina (Faculty of Medicine) | GR | 1 |
ccas-aixenprovence.org | Mairie d'Aix-en-Provence | FR | 1 |
ccaurora.edu | Community College of Aurora in Colorado | US | 1 |
ccnaz.org | Church of the Nazarene | US | 1 |
ccps.us | Caroline County Public Schools | US | 1 |
ccsd.net | Clark County School District | US | 1 |
ccsd146.org | District 146 Community Consolidated School Illinois | US | 1 |
cde.ca.gov | California Department of Education | US | 1 |
cde.state.co.us | Colorado Department of Education | US | 1 |
cedarville.edu | Cedarville University | US | 1 |
ceem.org.es | State Council of Medical Students (CEEM) | ES | 1 |
cemic.edu.ar | Instituto Universitario Cemic | AR | 1 |
centennialcollege.ca | Centennial College | CA | 1 |
centralaz.edu | Central Arizona College | US | 1 |
centralchristian.edu | Central Christian College of Kansas | US | 1 |
centria.fi | Centria UAS Kokkola | FI | 1 |
centromip.cl | Centro de Entrenamiento en Psicoterapia y Coaching | CL | 1 |
cerrocoso.edu | Cerro Coso Community College | US | 1 |
cervo.ulaval.ca | Laval University - Centre de recherche CERVO | CA | 1 |
cesm.org | Confederación Estatal de Sindicatos Médicos | ES | 1 |
cetai.edu.mx | Centro de Formación en Transparencia (Cetai) | MX | 1 |
cf.ac.uk | Cardiff University | UK | 1 |
CGIAR.org | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (Humidtropics/CGIAR) | US | 1 |
cgs.k12.va.us | King George High School - VA | US | 1 |
cgst.edu | China Graduate School of Theology | HK | 1 |
ch.tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology (Christiaan Huygens) | NL | 1 |
chalmers.se | Chalmers University of Technology | SE | 1 |
chalmers.se | Chalmers University of Technology | SE | 1 |
charutarhealth.org | Pramukh Swami Medical College | Charutar Arogya Mandal | Charutar Health | IN | 1 |
chattanoogastate.edu | Chattanooga State Community College | US | 1 |
chcs.com.au | Catholic Healthcare Australia | AU | 1 |
chduero.es | Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, o.a. | ES | 1 |
cheltenham.org | Wyncote Elementary in Cheltenham Township (PA) | US | 1 |
chem.ubbcluj.ro | Babes-Bolyai University (Facultatea de Chimie) | RO | 1 |
CherryCreekSchools.org | Cherry Creek Schools | US | 1 |
Chester.ac.uk | University of Chester | UK | 1 |
childfund.org | ChildFund International | US | 1 |
childrens.harvard.edu | Harvard University (childrens) | US | 1 |
chps.vic.edu.au | Chelsea Heights Primary School | AU | 1 |
chrisjohnsonvocalcoach.com | Chris Johnson Vocal Coach | UK | 1 |
chsu.edu | California Health Sciences University | US | 1 |
chula.ac.th | Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok | TH | 1 |
chuliege.be | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège | BE | 1 |
CISkalamazoo.org | Communities In Schools Kalamazoo Michigan | US | 1 |
cito.nl | Cito, Stichting Cito Instituut voor Toetsontwikkeling | NL | 1 |
cityhighschool.org | City Highschool Tuscon | US | 1 |
cityspacearchitecture.org | City Space Architecture | IT | 1 |
cityu.edu.hk | City University of Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
civil.duth.gr | Democritus University of Thrace (Civil Engineering) | GR | 1 |
civil.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Civil) | PT | 1 |
clackamasfire.com | Clackamas Fire District #1 | US | 1 |
claretiano.com | Colegio Claretiano, Costa Rica | CR | 1 |
clementiprimary.edu.sg | Clementi Primary School Singapore | SG | 1 |
clemson.edu | Clemson University | US | 1 |
clv.nl | Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal | NL | 1 |
cm.umk.pl | Collegium Medicum of Nicolaus Copernicus University | PL | 1 |
cmontmorency.qc.ca | Collège Montmorency | CA | 1 |
cmtlapurisima.com | Colegio la purisima Torrevieja Alicante | ES | 1 |
cm-tours.fr | Campus des Metiers - Tours | FR | 1 |
cn.edu | Carson-Newman University | US | 1 |
cnam-paysdelaloire.fr | Cnam - Pays de la Loire | FR | 1 |
cnr.edu | The College of New Rochelle | US | 1 |
coastline.com | Coastline Community College | US | 1 |
coda-ales.fr | CODA by Simplon | FR | 1 |
coe.edu | Coe College | US | 1 |
coe.ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
colam.edu.mx | Colegio Americano de Saltillo Coahuila, COLAM High School | MX | 1 |
colegiollado.com | Colegio Llado | ES | 1 |
colegioslasalle.org | La Salle de España y Portugal | PT | 1 |
collegecalloch.fr | Collège Jean Pierre Calloc'h | FR | 1 |
collierschools.com | Collier Schools (Naples FL) | US | 1 |
colmed-alnahrain.edu.iq | College of Medicine Alnahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq | IQ | 1 |
colorado.edu | University of Colorado | US | 1 |
columbusstate.edu | Columbus State University | US | 1 |
colval.qc.ca | College de Valleyfield | CA | 1 |
commanderijcollege.nl | Commanderij College | NL | 1 |
compass.edu | Compass College of Cinematic Arts | US | 1 |
compliancesa.com | the Compliance Institute Southern Africa | ZA | 1 |
conaced.edu.co | Confederación Nacional Católica de Educación | CO | 1 |
concordcarlisle.org | Concord Carlisle Regional High School | US | 1 |
Concordia.ca | Concordia University | CA | 1 |
connect.np.edu.sg | Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Students) | SG | 1 |
connect.qut.edu.au | Queensland University of Technology (students/connect) | AU | 1 |
consumentenbond.nl | Consumentenbond (Trainingen) | NL | 1 |
cordwalles.co.za | Cordwalles Preparatory School | ZA | 1 |
cornell.edu | Cornell University | US | 1 |
cotlands.org | Cotlands | ZA | 1 |
covwarkpt.nhs.uk | C&W Partnership Trust / NHS | UK | 1 |
cp2s.nc | Association CP2S | NC | 1 |
cpi.si | Slovenian National Institution for Vocational Education and Training / Nacionalno informacijsko središče | SI | 1 |
cps.edu | Chicago Public Schools | US | 1 |
cps.sp.gov.br | Centro Paula Souza, São Paulo | BR | 1 |
crimson.ua.edu | University of Alabama (Crimson) | US | 1 |
cs.ubbcluj.ro | Babes-Bolyai University (Computer Science) | RO | 1 |
csdps.qc.ca | École Secondaire la Courvilloise | CA | 1 |
cshs.org | Cedars Sinai Medical Center | US | 1 |
csisd.org | Consolidated Middle School | US | 1 |
cslaval.qc.ca | Centre de formation Compétences-2000 | CA | 1 |
csmb.qc.ca | Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys | CA | 1 |
cspo.qc.ca | École Secondaire Grande-Rivière in Commission scolaire des Portages-de-l'Outaouais | CA | 1 |
csshk.edu.hk | Hong Kong Chiu Sheung School | HK | 1 |
cssmi.qc.ca | Commission scolaire de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Iles | CA | 1 |
csuchico.edu | California State University, Chico | US | 1 |
csun.edu | California State University, Northridge | US | 1 |
cswalcheren.nl | Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Walcheren | NL | 1 |
ctsma.org | Connecticut Society of Certified Medical Assistants | US | 1 |
cu.edu.eg | Cairo University | EG | 1 |
cuas.at | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences | AT | 1 |
cue-lnf.fr | COMUE LNF (comunituy of universities Lille Nord de France) | FR | 1 |
culinarycenter.com | International Culinary Center | US | 1 |
cumbresmedellin.edu.co | Colegio Cumbres Medellin | CO | 1 |
cuni.cz | Charles University in Prague | CZ | 1 |
cuny.edu | City University of New York | US | 1 |
cu-portland.edu | Concordia University Portland | US | 1 |
cvsd.net | Chartiers Valley School District | US | 1 |
cw.bc.ca | Connecting Pregnancy Program at BC Women's Hospital | CA | 1 |
d214.org | Township High School District 214, Illinois | US | 1 |
d230.org | School District 230 Sandburg, Stagg, Andrew | US | 1 |
daask12.com | Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences | US | 1 |
dac.unicamp.br | State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Sao Paulo (DAC) | BR | 1 |
dadeschools.net | Dade County Public Schools, Miami Florida | US | 1 |
dal.ca | Dalhousie University, Halifax | CA | 1 |
dalton.k12.ga.us | Dalton High School | US | 1 |
daltondenhaag.nl | Dalton Den Haag | NL | 1 |
daralshifa.com | Dar Al-Shifa hospital, Kuwait | KW | 1 |
Dartmouth.edu | Dartmouth College | UK | 1 |
davinci.nl | Da Vinci College | NL | 1 |
davinci-leiden.nl | Scholengroep Leonardo Da Vinci Leiden | NL | 1 |
dawson.k12.ga.us | Riverview Middle School PTSO | US | 1 |
daystarchina.cn | Daystar Academy, private english school China | CN | 1 |
dc.gov | McKinley Technology High School in Washington, DC | US | 1 |
dcu.ie | Dublin City University | IE | 1 |
deb.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Deb) | PT | 1 |
debibliotheekopschool.nl | De Bibliotheek op School | NL | 1 |
deboekenberg.nl | De Boekenberg | NL | 1 |
debreed.nl | De Breed & Partners | NL | 3 |
dec.edu | Douglas Education Center | US | 1 |
de-csv.nl | Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Veenendaal | NL | 1 |
deerfieldwindsor.com | Deerfield-Windsor Lower School, Albany | US | 1 |
deltacollege.edu | San Joaquin Delta College | US | 1 |
deltasd.bc.ca | Delta School District, British Columbia | CA | 1 |
denison.edu | Denison University | US | 1 |
dentonisd.org | Denton Independent School District | US | 1 |
deped.gov.ph | Meycauayan National High School - Annex, Philippines | PH | 1 |
derma-jena.de | University of Jena (Derma Klinik) | DE | 1 |
design.gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology (Design) | US | 1 |
det.nsw.edu.au | Barrenjoey High School | AU | 1 |
det.nsw.edu.au | Department of Education and Training, NSW, Australia | AU | 1 |
detroitk12.org | Detroit Public School District | US | 1 |
detsocialenetvaerk.dk | Det Sociale Netværk | DK | 1 |
deusto.es | University of Deusto on Bilbao | ES | 1 |
devry.edu | DeVRY University, Kansas City | US | 1 |
dhosbrugge.be | DHOS Brugge, Hoger Instituut voor Opvoedkunde West-Vlaanderen | BE | 1 |
dhpol.de | Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei (DHPol) | DE | 1 |
diakhuis.nl | Diakonessenhuis Utrecht | NL | 1 |
diakonie-sh.de | Diakonie Schleswig-Holstein Landesverband der Inneren Mission e.V. | DE | 1 |
die-apis.de | Die Apis – Evangelischer Gemeinschaftsverband Württemberg | DE | 1 |
die-bonn.de | Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (German Institute for Adult Education) | DE | 1 |
digipen.edu | Digipen Institute of Technology | US | 1 |
direito.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Law) | PT | 1 |
district65.net | Evanston/Skokie School District 65 | US | 1 |
dll.se | Landstinget Sörmland medicial institution | SE | 1 |
dlr.de | Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | DE | 1 |
dmusd.org | Del Mar Union School District | US | 1 |
dollardcollege.nl | Dollard College | NL | 1 |
dominican.edu | Dominican University | US | 1 |
doncasterccg.nhs.uk | NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) | UK | 1 |
dordt.edu | Dordt College | US | 1 |
douglascollege.ca | Douglas College New Westminster, BC | CA | 1 |
dph.ox.ac.uk | Oxford University (DPH) | UK | 1 |
dps.uminho.pt | University of Minho (DPS) | PT | 1 |
dpsk12.org | Denver Public Schools district | US | 1 |
dpz.eu | Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH | DE | 1 |
drake.edu | Drake University | US | 1 |
driestar-educatief.nl | Driestar hogeschool | US | 1 |
drmollercollege.nl | Dr. Mollercollege | NL | 1 |
dromtorp.vgs.no | Drømtorp VGs | NO | 1 |
dsdmail.net | Davis School District, Farmington Utah | US | 1 |
dsi.uminho.pt | University of Minho (DSI) | PT | 1 |
dti.ulaval.ca | Laval University (dti mail) | CA | 1 |
duke.edu | Duke University | US | 1 |
dukece.edu | Duke University Corporate Education | US | 1 |
duke-nus.edu.sg | National University of Singapore (NUS) Duke Medicial School | SG | 1 |
dukes.jmu.edu | James Madison University (Dukes) | US | 1 |
duncanvilleisd.org | Duncanville Independent School District | US | 1 |
Dundee.ac.uk | Dundee University | UK | 1 |
durham.ac.uk | Durham University | UK | 1 |
duth.gr | Democritus University of Thrace | GR | 1 |
dvcsintjozef.be | DVC Sint-Jozef, Antwerpen | BE | 1 |
e.ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University (Student email) | SG | 1 |
ead.uenf.br | Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (EAD) | BR | 1 |
eae.es | EAE Business School Madrid | ES | 1 |
eah-jena.de | University of Applied Sciences Ernst Abbe | DE | 1 |
eatonps.wa.edu.au | Eaton Primary School, WA | AU | 1 |
ebnet.org | Hammarskjold Middle School | US | 1 |
ecaoh.com | Emmanuel Christian Academy in Springfield, Ohio | US | 1 |
eccles.utah.edu | University of Utah (eccles) | US | 1 |
ecisd.org | El Campo ISD (Independent School District) | US | 1 |
ecisd.us | Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District | US | 1 |
ec-jugend.de | Deutscher Jugendverband "Entchieden für Christus" EC | DE | 1 |
ec-jugend-owl.de | EC Jugendverband Ostwestfalen-Lippe | DE | 1 |
eco.umass.edu | University of Massachusetts Amherst | US | 1 |
eco.u-szeged.hu | Universzity of Szeged (Economy) | HU | 1 |
ecolevinet.ch | Ecole Vinet | CH | 1 |
economics.smu.edu.sg | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
ecoschoolplovdiv.bg | Eco-school of Plovdiv | BG | 1 |
ecsaude.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Medicine) | PT | 1 |
ecsd.net | Edmonton Catholic School District | CA | 1 |
ecum.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Science) | PT | 1 |
ed.ac.uk | University of Edinburgh | UK | 1 |
edenham.net | Edenham high school | UK | 1 |
edinburghcollege.ac.uk | Edinburgh College | UK | 1 |
edmondschools.net | Edmond North High School | US | 1 |
edpsy.u-szeged.hu | Universzity of Szeged (EdPsy) | HU | 1 |
edu.dhbw-karlsruhe.de | Cooperative State University of Baden Wuerttemberg | DE | 1 |
Edu.fh-campuswien.ac.at | FH Campus Wien, Austria | AT | 1 |
edu.kavlinge.se | Kävlinge kommuns Education | SE | 1 |
edu.lmu.de | Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU) | DE | 1 |
edu.uai.cl | University Adolfo Ibañez | CL | 1 |
educaciondigital.es | Educacion Digital Malaga | ES | 1 |
education.wa.edu.au | Department of Education WA | AU | 1 |
eduhk.hk | Education University of Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
edu-kavlinge.se | Kävlinge kommuns Education | SE | 1 |
edumail.vic.gov.au | Victoria Government - Edumail | AU | 1 |
eduservices.org | Pigier EduService | FR | 1 |
edutactiek.nl | Edutactiek | NL | 1 |
eeb1.com | European School Brussels | BE | 1 |
eeg.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Economics) | PT | 1 |
eemsdeltacollege.nl | Eems Delta College | US | 1 |
ef.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Economics) | CZ | 1 |
efzg.hr | Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb | HR | 1 |
egasmoniz.edu.pt | Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz | PT | 1 |
egasmoniz.edu.pt | Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz | PT | 1 |
egcc.edu | Eastern Gateway Community College | US | 1 |
egrps.org | East Grand Rapids Public Schools | US | 1 |
eis.school | Esbjerg International School | DK | 1 |
eisbratislava.org | English International School of Bratislava | SK | 1 |
eisp.it | English International School of Padua | IT | 1 |
eit.edu.au | Engineering Institute of Technology | AU | 1 |
eja-online.de | Evangelische Jugendarbeit Bautzen-Kamenz | DE | 1 |
elcamino.edu | El Camino Community College | US | 1 |
eldermark.com | Eldermark - Senior Housing Software (Educational Nurse training) | US | 1 |
elevenfifty.org | Eleven Fifty Academy | US | 1 |
elisabeth.nl | Opleidings- en Onderzoekscentrum Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
ellenmacarthurfoundation.org | Ellen MacArthur Foundation | UK | 1 |
ellismedicine.org | Ellis Hospital, Schenectady | US | 1 |
els.edu | ELS Language Centers | US | 1 |
elsteachers.net | ELS Language Centers | US | 1 |
eltorreon.edu.ar | Capellanía Colegio El Torreón | AR | 1 |
email.ulster.ac.uk | Ulster University (email) | UK | 1 |
email.unc.edu | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | US | 1 |
emory.edu | Emory University School of Medicine | US | 1 |
en.uj.edu.pl | Jagiellonian University | PL | 1 |
en.uoa.gr | National and Kapodestrian University of Athens (EN) | GR | 1 |
eng.asu.edu.eg | Ain Shams University-Egypt | EG | 1 |
eng.buu.ac.th | Burapha University | TH | 1 |
eng.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Engeneering) | PT | 1 |
engineering.wustl.edu | Washington University - Engineering | US | 1 |
enka.k12.tr | ENKA Schools - Sadi Gülçelik Spor Sitesi Istinye | TR | 1 |
enpc.fr | L'École des Ponts ParisTech | FR | 1 |
enseeiht.fr | École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et des télécommunications | FR | 1 |
ephec.be | Haute Ecole EPHEC | BE | 1 |
epsb.ca | Edmonton Public Schools | CA | 1 |
epse.pt | Escola Profissional da Serra da Estrela - EPSE | PT | 1 |
epsteinatlanta.org | The Epstein School | US | 1 |
eq.edu.au | Education Queensland - Kingston College | AU | 1 |
eq.ufrj.br | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (eq) | BR | 1 |
erasmusmc.nl | Erasmus Medical Centre - Rotterdam | NL | 1 |
erciyes.edu.tr | Erciyes University | TR | 1 |
esade.edu | ESADE business school / Ramon Llull University | ES | 1 |
esc2.net | Education Service Center – Texas - Region 2 | US | 1 |
esc2.us | Education Service Center – Texas - Region 2 | US | 1 |
esc9.com | Region 9 ESC | US | 1 |
escolapladelavella.cat | AMPA Pla de l'Avellà | ES | 1 |
ese.eur.nl | Erasmus School of Economics | NL | 1 |
ese.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Nursing) | PT | 1 |
esh.se | Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola | SE | 1 |
esj.nl | ESJ Accountants & Belastingadviseurs | NL | 3 |
esmonline.org | ESM - Eastport-South Manor Central School District | US | 1 |
espe-lnf.fr | ESPE Lille Nord | FR | 1 |
essec.edu | ESSEC Business School in Paris | FR | 1 |
essex.ac.uk | University of Essex | UK | 1 |
etec.sp.gov.br | Centro Paula Souza ETEC | BR | 1 |
etszk.u-szeged.hu | Universzity of Szeged (etzsk) | HU | 1 |
etu.enseeiht.fr | École nationale supérieure (Students) | FR | 1 |
etu.parisdescartes.fr | Paris Descartes University | Etu | FR | 1 |
etu.uca.fr | University Clermont-Auvergne (students) | FR | 1 |
etu.unicaen.fr | Caen University | FR | 1 |
etu.univ-nantes.fr | Université de Nantes | FR | 1 |
etu.upmc.fr | Université Pierre et Marie Curie / Sorbonne Universités | FR | 1 |
etz.nl | Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
eur.nl | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | NL | 1 |
eurashe.eu | European Association of Institutions in Higher Education | BE | 1 |
euroforum.nl | Euroforum | NL | 3 |
europa-uni.de | EUV - European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | DE | 1 |
eurosys.be | eurosys.be | BE | 2 |
eursc.eu | European School Brussels (EURSC) | BE | 1 |
eusa.ed.ac.uk | University of Edinburgh (EUSA) | UK | 1 |
eventOplanner.com | EventOPlanner - Mobile Event Apps [Integration Partner] | NL | 2 |
eventOplanner.nl | EventOPlanner - Mobile Event Apps [Integration Partner] | NL | 2 |
ev-jugend-hagen.de | Evangelische Jugend im Kirchenkreis Hagen | DE | 1 |
evms.edu | East Virginia Medical School (EVMS) | US | 1 |
exchange.ilstu.edu | Illinois State University (Exchange students) | US | 1 |
exeter.ac.uk | University of Exeter | UK | 1 |
explorease.org | The Academy of Scientific Exploration | US | 1 |
faculdadelasalle.edu.br | Faculdade La Salle in Lucas do Rio Verde | BR | 1 |
faculty.ie.edu | IE Business School Madrid (Faculty) | ES | 1 |
faculty.umuc.edu | University of Maryland University College (UMUC faculty) | US | 1 |
fairport.org | Fairport Central School District | US | 1 |
faithlafayette.org | Faith Christian School in Lafayette | US | 1 |
faktor5.nl | Faktor5 - Opleiding voor deskundige hulp bij eenzaamheid. | NL | 1 |
falmouth.ac.uk | Falmouth University | UK | 1 |
farmasi.ui.ac.id | Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia | ID | 1 |
fas.harvard.edu | Harvard University (fas) | US | 1 |
faseb.org | Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) | US | 1 |
fashion.arts.ac.uk | University of the Arts London (Fashion) | UK | 1 |
fatec.sp.gov.br | Centro Paula Souza FATEC | BR | 1 |
fau.de | Friedrich-Alexander University | DE | 1 |
fcps.edu | Fairfax County Public Schools / Annandale High School | US | 1 |
fct.unl.pt | NOVA University of Lisbon (Faculties) | PT | 1 |
fdss.be | Fédération des Services Sociaux | BE | 1 |
fe.uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana (fe) | SI | 1 |
fe.unpad.ac.id | Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia (Economics) | ID | 1 |
fedecegeps.qc.ca | Fédération des cégeps | CA | 1 |
fernuni-hagen.de | University of Hagen | DE | 1 |
ff.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Philosophy) | CZ | 1 |
ff.uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana (ff) | SI | 1 |
ffhs.ch | Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS) | CH | 1 |
fgg.uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana (fgg) | SI | 1 |
fgga.leidenuniv.edu | Leiden Universiteit (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs) | NL | 1 |
fgga.leidenuniv.nl | Leiden Universiteit (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs) | NL | 1 |
fh-campuswien.ac.at | FH Campus Wien (University of Applied Sciences) | AT | 1 |
fhdw.de | Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft FHDW | DE | 1 |
fhi360.org | fhi360 - The Science of Improving Lives | US | 1 |
fh-joanneum.at | FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz | AT | 1 |
fh-kaernten.at | Fachhochschule Kärnten | AT | 1 |
fh-linz.at | Fachhochschule Oberösterreich (FH-Linz) University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | AT | 1 |
fhnw.ch | Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland | CH | 1 |
fhsg.ch | FHS St.Gallen, University of Applied Sciences | CH | 1 |
fh-wedel.de | Fachhochschule Wedel - University of applied sciences | DE | 1 |
fhws.de | University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt | DE | 1 |
fie.org.uk | Foundation for International Education | UK | 1 |
Fioretti.nl | Fioretti College | NL | 1 |
firstdraftnews.com | First Draft News Harvard University's Kennedy School of Management | US | 1 |
fis.agh.edu.pl | AGH Univesity (FIS) | PL | 1 |
fis.edu.hk | French International School in Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
fisica.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Fisica) | PT | 1 |
fitchburgstate.edu | Fitchburg State University | US | 1 |
fiu.edu | Florida International University | US | 1 |
flcc.edu | Finger Lakes Community College - NY | US | 1 |
fld.czu.cz | Czech University (Forestry and Wood Sciences) | CZ | 1 |
flemingcollege.ca | Fleming College | CA | 1 |
flevoziekenhuis.nl | Flevo Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
FleXML.nl | FleXML | NL | 3 |
flinders.edu.au | Flinders University | AU | 1 |
floridaea.org | Florida Education Association | US | 1 |
fm.ru.nl | Institute for Management Research at Radboud University | NL | 1 |
fm.unt.edu.ar | Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Tucumán in Argentina. | UR | 1 |
fmd.ulaval.ca | Laval University (FMD) | CA | 1 |
fmed.ulaval.ca | Laval University (FMED) | CA | 1 |
fmschools.org | Fayetteville-Manlius School District | US | 1 |
fn.mde.es | Spanish Marine Corps School | ES | 1 |
fnsa.ca | First Nations Schools Association | CA | 1 |
foi.hr | University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics | HR | 1 |
fom-net.de | FOM Hochschule | DE | 1 |
fontys.edu | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | NL | 1 |
fontys.nl | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | NL | 1 |
footballbeyondborders.org | Football Beyond Borders | UK | 3 |
forces.gc.ca | Canadian Air Division Headquarters - National Defence | Défense nationale | CA | 1 |
fortmillschools.org | Fort Mill High School | US | 1 |
foxhills.outwood.com | Outwood Academy Foxhills | UK | 1 |
fph.org.uk | Faculty of Public Health (FPH) | UK | 1 |
francis.edu | Saint Francis University | US | 1 |
Franciscus.nl | Franciscus Hospital | NL | 1 |
fraseric.ca | Fraser International College | CA | 1 |
frd.utn.edu.ar | Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Delta | AR | 1 |
fredonia.edu | The State University of New York at Fredonia | US | 1 |
freedomschools.k12.wi.us | Freedom High School | US | 1 |
fri.uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana (fri) | SI | 1 |
friscoisd.org | Frisco ISD, Texas | US | 1 |
frov.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters) | CZ | 1 |
frsa.asn.au | Free Reformed School Association | AU | 1 |
fruitlandschools.org | Fruitland High School | US | 1 |
fscj.edu | Florida State College at Jacksonville | US | 1 |
fshst.u-tunis.tn | Faculty of Humanities of Tunis (University of Tunis) | TN | 1 |
fsj-sh.de | Bundesfreiwilligendienst Schleswig-Holstein | DE | 1 |
fsu.edu | Florida State University | US | 1 |
fsw.leidenuniv.nl | Leiden Universiteit (Faculty of Social Sciences) | NL | 1 |
ftz.czu.cz | Czech University (Faculty of Tropical AgriScience) | CZ | 1 |
fuhsd.org | Fremont Union High School District | US | 1 |
fullcoll.edu | Fullerton College | US | 1 |
fullfinance.nl | Full Finance post HBO accountancy | NL | 1 |
fullsail.com | Full Sail University | US | 1 |
fullsail.edu | Full Sail University | US | 1 |
fultonschools.org | Fulton Schools | US | 1 |
furman.edu | Furman University | US | 1 |
fusionacademy.com | Fusion Academy | US | 1 |
fwcd.org | Fort Worth Country Day’s - K12 | US | 1 |
fwr-wetzlar.de | Friedrich-Willhelm-Raiffeisen Schule Wetzlar | DE | 1 |
fzp.czu.cz | Czech University (Faculty of Environmental Sciences CULS) | CZ | 1 |
g.clemson.edu | Clemson University (students) | US | 1 |
g.dentonisd.org | Denton Independent School District (G) | US | 1 |
g.hayscisd.net | Hays CISD Digital Learning, Kyle Texas | US | 1 |
g.msuiit.edu.ph | Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology | ph | 1 |
g.swu.ac.th | Srinakharinwirot University, Bankok | TH | 1 |
g.ucla.edu | University of California | US | 1 |
g.unicamp.br | State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Sao Paulo (G) | BR | 1 |
gaa.edu.eg | GEMS Academy Alexandria | EG | 1 |
gallaudet.edu | Gallaudet University | US | 1 |
garlandisd.net | Garland ISD - Davis Elementary School | US | 1 |
garrahan.gov.ar | Garrahan Pediatric Hospital | AR | 1 |
gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology | US | 1 |
gavirtualschool.org | Georgia Virtual School | US | 1 |
gemeentewestland.nl | Gemeente Westland | NL | 1 |
gemeinschaftsschule-billerbeck.de | Gemeinschafts Schule Billerbeck.de | DE | 1 |
gems-edu.org | Gems Inc. Gifts Empowered Manifest Success | US | 1 |
genesisprep.com | Genesis Prep School, New Port Richey Florida | US | 1 |
georgetown.edu | Georgetown University Law Center | US | 1 |
gepacademies.com | GEP Academies Guildford | UK | 1 |
gess.sg | German European School in Singapore | SG | 1 |
gfk.com | GfK / Grow from Knowledge | DE | 3 |
ggc.scot.nhs.uk | Queen Elizabeth University Hospital- Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS | UK | 1 |
ggd.amsterdam.nl | GGD Amsterdam / GezondAmsterdam | NL | 1 |
GHSD.k12.ca.us | Liberty Ranch High School | US | 1 |
gilesacademy.co.uk | The Giles Academy | UK | 1 |
girlsintech.org | Girls In Tech | US | 1 |
git-eu.org | Global Innovation Technologies | SZ | 1 |
glasgow.ac.uk | University of Glasgow (Singapore) | UK | 1 |
glenelg.org | Glenelg Country School | US | 1 |
globocondenast.com.br | Globo Condé Nast | Wired Festival | BR | 1 |
gmercyu.edu | Gwynedd Mercy University | UK | 1 |
gmpto.org | Green Meadow PTO | US | 1 |
gmu.edu | George Mason University | US | 1 |
g-o.be | GO! Onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap | BE | 1 |
grad.hr | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering | HR | 1 |
gradschool.uq.edu.au | The University of Queensland (gradschool) | AU | 1 |
grange.cl | The Grange School, Chile | CL | 1 |
grange.outwood.com | Outwood Grange Academy | UK | 1 |
grcs.org | Grand Rapids Christian Schools | US | 1 |
greenbrierschools.org | Greenbrier Jr. High EAST | US | 1 |
gse.harvard.edu | Harvard Graduate School of Education | US | 1 |
gse.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania (gse) | US | 1 |
gsf | Gooise Scholen Federatie | NL | 1 |
gsis.sc.kr | Gyeonggi Suwon International School in South Korea | KR | 1 |
gsn.com.pl | Grupa Szkół Niepublicznych.Stargard | PL | 1 |
gstt.nhs.uk | Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust | UK | 1 |
gtc.edu | Gateway Technical College | US | 1 |
gts-tonndorf.de | Gyula Trebitsch Schule Tonndorf and the Nordakademie Elmshorn | DE | 1 |
gu.se | University of Gothenburg | SE | 1 |
guc.edu.eg | The German University in Cairo | EG | 1 |
guhsdaz.org | Glendale Union High School District | US | 1 |
guiasyscoutchile.cl | Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Chile | CL | 1 |
guilderlandschools.net | Guilderland Central School District | US | 1 |
guilderlandschools.org | Guilderland Central School District | US | 1 |
gumed.edu.pl | Medical University of Gdansk (Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny) | PL | 1 |
gutech.edu.om | German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) | OM | 1 |
gwdg.de | University of Göttingen (Zess) | DE | 1 |
h3o.nl | Stichting H3O Opvang en Onderwijs | NL | 1 |
haematology.org.my | MSH | Malaysian Society of Haematology | MY | 1 |
hailsa.gov.sa | تعليم حائل يتسلم Hail Education | SA | 1 |
han.nl | Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen | NL | 1 |
handels.gu.se | University of Gothenburg | SE | 1 |
hanoistar.edu.vn | Hanoi Star School | VN | 1 |
harper-adams.ac.uk | Harper Adams University | UK | 1 |
harvard.edu | Harvard University | US | 1 |
has.nl | HAS Hogeschool Den Bosch | NL | 1 |
haw-hamburg.de | Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg) | DE | 1 |
hayscisd.net | Hays CISD Digital Learning, Kyle Texas | US | 1 |
hbz.uzh.ch | University of Zurich (HBZ) | CH | 1 |
hc.fm.usp.br | University of São Paulo, Brazil | BR | 1 |
hcbe.net | Houston County Board of Education | US | 1 |
hccs.edu | Houston Community College | US | 1 |
hccsc.k12.in.us | Huntington North High School | US | 1 |
hci.edu.sg | Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore | SG | 1 |
hcmiu.edu.vn | International University - Vietnam National University | VN | 1 |
hct.ac.ae | , Higher Colleges of Technology - HCT Dubai | AE | 1 |
health.belgium.be | University of Ghent | BE | 1 |
health.nsw.gov.au | SCHN, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network / NSW Health | AU | 1 |
health.qld.gov.au | Queensland Health | US | 1 |
health.southalabama.edu | University of South Alabama (Health) | US | 1 |
health.usf.edu | University of South Florida (Health) | US | 1 |
healthsciences.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Health Sciences | DK | 1 |
he-arc.ch | Haute Ecole Arc, HES-SO // University of applied sciences Western Switzerland | US | 1 |
hec.ca | HEC Montréal | Business School | CA | 1 |
hech.be | Haute École Charlemagne | BE | 1 |
hefr.ch | Haute Ecole Arc, HES-SO // Friburg/Freiburg | CH | 1 |
heliview.nl | Heliview | NL | 3 |
heloa.co.uk | Higher Education Liason Officer Association | UK | 1 |
help.edu.my | HELP University Malaysia | MY | 1 |
hempfieldsd.org | Hempfield High School / Hemfield School District | US | 1 |
hempsteadschools.org | Hempstead Union Free School District (HUFSD) | US | 1 |
henallux.be | Haute école Namur-Liège-Luxembourg | BE | 1 |
henallux.com | Henallux Education | BE | 1 |
herrkraus.de | Hans Sachs Gymnasium, Würzburg | DE | 1 |
herts.ac.uk | University of Hertfordshire | UK | 1 |
hesge.ch | University of Applied sciences Geneva (HESGE) / Geneva School of business (HEG) | US | 1 |
hevs.ch | Haute Ecole de Santé | CH | 1 |
hfamilie.com | H. Familie Secundair | BE | 1 |
hfm-nuernberg.de | Nuremberg University of Music (Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg) | DE | 1 |
h-fr.ch | Université de Fribourg – Hospital | CH | 1 |
hhne.org | Hebrew High School of New England | US | 1 |
hhs.nl | Haagse Hoogeschool | NL | 1 |
hhs.sccgov.org | Valley Medical Center, Santa Clark county CA | US | 1 |
hhs.se | Stockholm School of Economics (HHS) | SE | 1 |
highpoint.edu | High Point University | US | 1 |
hillsidehornets.net | Hillside High School, Durham NC | US | 1 |
hiwassee.edu | Hiwassee College | US | 1 |
hkbu.edu.hk | Hong Kong Baptist University | HK | 1 |
hkmadavidli.edu.hk | The Hong Kong Management Association David Li Kwok Po College | HK | 1 |
hkmu.ac.tz | Hubert Kairuki Memorial University in Tanzania | TZ | 1 |
hks.harvard.edu | Harvard Kennedy School @Harvard University | US | 1 |
hku.edu.tr | Hasan Kalyoncu University | TR | 1 |
hku.hk | Hong Kong University | HK | 1 |
hlz.nl | Hervormd Lyceum Zuid | NL | 1 |
hogent.be | Hogeschool Gent | BE | 1 |
homeaffairs.gov.au | Australian Department Of Home Affairs | AU | 1 |
horstentelgt.nl | Buurtvereniging Horst en Telgt | NL | 1 |
houstonisd.org | Edison Middle School in Houston, TX (HISD) | AE | 1 |
hr.nl | Hogeschool Rotterdam | NL | 1 |
hs-anhalt.de | Hochschule Anhalt, Köthen | DE | 1 |
hs-ansbach.de | Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Ansbach | DE | 1 |
hs-bremen.de | Hochschule Bremen | DE | 1 |
hsc.utah.edu | University of Utah (hsc) | US | 1 |
hsc.wvu.edu | West Virginia University (Health Science) | US | 1 |
hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu | University of Virginia - School of Medicine | US | 1 |
hs-esslingen.de | Hochschule Esslingen | DE | 1 |
hs-karlsruhe.de | University of Applied Science Karlsruhe | DE | 1 |
hs-kempten.de | University of Applied Sciences Kempten | DE | 1 |
hsleiden.nl | Hogeschool Leiden | NL | 1 |
hs-magdeburg.de | University of applied sciences Magdeburg-Stendal | DE | 1 |
hs-mainz.de | University of Applied Sciences Mainz | DE | 1 |
hsu-hh.de | Helmut-Schmidt University | DE | 1 |
htk.ppke.hu | Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Theology) | HU | 1 |
htlkrems.at | HTL Krems | AT | 1 |
htw-berlin.de | HTW Berlin – University of applied science | DE | 1 |
htwchur.ch | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur | CH | 1 |
hu.nl | Hogeschool Utrecht | NL | 1 |
hud.ac.uk | University of Huddersfield | UK | 1 |
humanities.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Humanities) | DK | 1 |
hus.fi | Helsinki University Hospital | FI | 1 |
hva.nl | Hogeschool van Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
hw.ac.uk | Heriot-Watt University | UK | 1 |
hws.edu | Hobart & William Smith Colleges | US | 1 |
hz.nl | HZ University of Applied Sciences / Hogeschool Zeeland | NL | 1 |
iae-grenoble.fr | Universitaire IAE Grenoble | FR | 1 |
iamtemasek.edu.sg | Temasek Secondary School | SG | 1 |
iau.edu.sa | Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University | SA | 1 |
iauw.org | Indiana Association of United Ways | US | 1 |
ics.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Social Science) | PT | 1 |
idg.nl | IDG | NL | 3 |
ie.edu | IE Business School Madrid | ES | 1 |
ie.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Institute of Education) | PT | 1 |
iec.idc.ac.il | The Interdisciplinary Center , Herzliya Israel | IL | 1 |
iesaltodelosmolinos.com | IES Alto de los Molinos | ES | 1 |
iesdamiahuguet.net | IES Damià Huguet | ES | 1 |
ifa.ch | IFA - Die höhere Fachschule der digitalen Wirtschaft | CH | 1 |
ifkw.lmu.de | Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (IFKW) | DE | 1 |
ifn.et.tu-dresden.de | TU Dresden (IFN ET) | DE | 1 |
ifsc.edu.br | Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina | BR | 1 |
ignatiusgymnasium.nl | Ignatius Gymnasium | NL | 1 |
igr.poznan.pl | Poznan University Instytut Genetyki Roślin | PL | 1 |
iiaindia.org | Institution of Internal Audit India | IN | 1 |
iiml.ac.in | Indian Institute of Management Lucknow | IN | 1 |
iimu.ac.in | Indian Institute of Management Udaipur | IN | 1 |
iisc.ac.in | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | IS | 1 |
iita.org | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture | US | 1 |
ijburgcollege.nl | IJburg College | NL | 1 |
ikbenstyl.nl | Ik Ben Styl | NL | 1 |
ilch.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Arts and Human Sciences) | PT | 1 |
illinois.edu | University of Illinois | US | 1 |
ilstu.edu | Illinois State University | US | 1 |
imba2010.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2012.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2013.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2014.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
imba2015.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University MBA Class 2011 | NL | 1 |
i-med.ac.at | Medical University of Innsbruck | AT | 1 |
imperial.ac.uk | Imperial College London | US | 1 |
indh.cl | National Institute of Human Rights Chili | CL | 1 |
indianacademyofpublicspeaking.com | Indian Academy of Public Speaking | IN | 1 |
ineducationonline.org | In Education Inc. | US | 1 |
ing.unlp.edu.ar | National University of La Plata (UNLP) Facultad de Ingeniería | AR | 1 |
inholland.nl | Hogeschool Inholland | NL | 1 |
inist.fr | Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (Inist) | FR | 1 |
injoest.ac.at | INJOEST - Institute for Jewish History | AT | 1 |
inp.pt | Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões | PT | 1 |
intec.edu.do | Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo | DO | 1 |
intechchs.org | InTech Collegiate High School | US | 1 |
interact.ccsd.net | Clark County School District | US | 1 |
ipub.ufrj.br | Instituto de Psiquiatria – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | BR | 1 |
isae-supaero.fr | Isae Supaero - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | FR | 1 |
isd191.org | Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 (isd191) | US | 1 |
isdcglobal.org | International Skills Development Corporation - ISDC Global | IN | 1 |
isdcglobal.org.uk | International Skills Development Corporation - ISDC Global | UK | 1 |
istanbul.edu.tr | Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa School of Medicine | TR | 1 |
isu.edu | Idaho State University | US | 1 |
it.uu.se | Uppsala universitet (IT) | SE | 1 |
IT-Begleiter.de | IT-Begleiter School Education | DE | 1 |
itcilo.org | International Labour Organization | IT | 1 |
itec.suny.edu | The State University of New York (ITEC) | US | 1 |
itg.be | Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp | BE | 1 |
ithaca.edu | Ithaca College | US | 1 |
itis.biella.it | IIS Q. Sella Biella | IT | 1 |
itk.ppke.hu | Pázmány Péter Catholic University (IT) | HU | 1 |
it-kharkiv.com | Kharkiv IT Cluster | UA | 1 |
itson.edu.mx | Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora | MX | 1 |
iubh-dualesstudium.de | IUBH Internationale Hochschule | DE | 1 |
ivytech.edu | Ivy Tech Community College | US | 1 |
iwar.tu-darmstadt.de | Technische Universität Darmstadt (Umweltingenieurwissenschaften) | DE | 1 |
iyw.org.uk | Institute for Youth Work | UK | 1 |
jagmail.southalabama.edu | University of South Alabama (student mail) | US | 1 |
jak.ppke.hu | Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Humanities) | HU | 1 |
jax.ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
jbz.nl | Jeroen Bosch Academie (opleidings instituut binnen het Jeroen Bosch ziekenhuis) | NL | 1 |
jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia | CZ | 1 |
jcu.edu.au | James Cook University | AU | 1 |
jeffcoschools.us | Jeffco Public Schools | US | 1 |
jefferson.edu | Thomas Jefferson University | Sidney Kimmel Medical College | US | 1 |
JerdiggityTV.com | JerdiggityTV charitable organization | US | 1 |
jessup.edu | William Jessup University | US | 1 |
jhamm@govst.edu | Governors State University | US | 1 |
jhpiego.org | JHpiego Lesotho | LS | 1 |
jhu.edu | Johns Hopkins University | US | 1 |
jinc.nl | JINC Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
jipmer.edu.in | Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) | IN | 1 |
jku.at | Johannes Kepler University Linz | AT | 1 |
jmu.edu | James Madison University | US | 1 |
johnbentley.wilts.sch.uk | The John Bentley School | UK | 1 |
johnbentleyschool.com | The John Bentley School | UK | 1 |
johnogauntschool.co.uk | O’Gaunt School | UK | 1 |
johnson.cornell.edu | Cornell University (Cornell SC Johnson College of Business) | US | 1 |
johnstoncc.edu | Johnston Community College | US | 1 |
joliet86.org | Jefferson Elementary School, District 86, Joliet | US | 1 |
journalism.sdu.dk | University of Southern Denmark (Journalism) | DK | 1 |
jpc.qld.edu.au | John Paul College | AU | 1 |
jugendring-do.de | Jugendring Dortmund | DE | 1 |
jugendwerk-st-josef.de | Jungenwerk St. Josef in Landau | DE | 1 |
juntadeandalucia.es | IPEP de Huelva (Junta de Andalucía) | ES | 1 |
jura.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Law) | DK | 1 |
juris.u-szeged.hu | Universzity of Szeged (Juris) | HU | 1 |
k12.pisd.edu | Plano Independent School District | US | 1 |
k12.sd.us | South Dakota Educator - K12 | US | 1 |
k12.wv.us | West Virginia K12 schools / Fayette Institute of Technology | AU | 1 |
kaizen.newham.sch.uk | Kaizen Primary School | NL | 1 |
kampusplus.pl | Technical University Warsaw | PL | 1 |
kaplan.edu | Kaplan University | US | 1 |
karazin.ua | Karazin Kharkiv National University | UA | 1 |
kas.edu.kw | Kuwait American School | KW | 1 |
kasralainy.edu.eg | Kasr Alainy - Cairo University School of Medicine | EG | 1 |
kaz.qsi.org | Almaty International School, QSI Kazakhstan | KZ | 1 |
kcl.ac.uk | King's College London | UK | 1 |
kclj.si | University Medical Centre Ljubljana | SI | 1 |
kct.ac.in | Kumaraguru College of Technology | IN | 1 |
kcteach.org | Kansas City Teacher Residency | US | 1 |
kcusd.com | Kings Canyon Unified School District | US | 1 |
KdG.be | Karel de Grote - Hogeschool te Antwerpen | BE | 1 |
keble.ox.ac.uk | Oxford University (Kebble) | UK | 1 |
keele.ac.uk | Keele University | UK | 1 |
keele.co.uk | Keele University in the UK | UK | 1 |
kellerisd.net | Keller Independent School District | US | 1 |
kent.ac.uk | University of Kent | UK | 1 |
kent.edu | Kent State University | US | 1 |
kenyon.edu | Kenyon College | US | 1 |
kgcs.k12.va.us | King George High School - VA | US | 1 |
ki.se | Karolinska Institutet | SE | 1 |
king-ed.suffolk.sch.uk | King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds | UK | 1 |
kipphouston.org | KIPP Houston Public Schools. | US | 1 |
kirche-bremen.de | Bremische Evangelische Kirche | DE | 1 |
kirkwoodschools.org | Kirkwood School District | US | 1 |
kjbu.org | King James Bible University | UK | 1 |
kku.ac.th | Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | TH | 1 |
kkumail.ac.th | Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | TH | 1 |
kkumail.com | Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | TH | 1 |
kkwagh.edu.in | K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research Center, Nashik | IN | 1 |
kleinisd.net | Klein Independent School District | US | 1 |
kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de | Universitätsklinikum Leipzig (Kleintier) | DE | 1 |
klimopschool.nl | SO/VSO Klimopschool, Middelburg | NL | 1 |
klin-rt.de | Hospital for Tübingen University | DE | 1 |
klms.leicester.sch.uk | Keyham Lodge School | UK | 1 |
kln.ac.lk | University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka | LK | 1 |
knights.ucf.edu | University of Central Florida (Knights) | US | 1 |
knowledgebanknashville.org | Knowledge Bank Nashville | US | 1 |
knowsley.gov.uk | Knowsley Council | UK | 1 |
knox.nsw.edu.au | Knox Grammar School, Wahroonga NSW | AU | 1 |
kolegji-heimerer.eu | Heimerer College in Pristina, Republic of Kosovo | KOS* | 1 |
ksmc.med.sa | King Saud Medical City | SA | 1 |
ksr.ch | Kantonsschule Romanshorn | CH | 1 |
ku.dk | Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen | DK | 1 |
kuleuven.be | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | BE | 1 |
kultur-life.de | KulturLife gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Kulturaustausch | DE | 1 |
kunbismusiccompany.com | Kunbi's Music Company - music education | NG | 1 |
kv.k12.in.us | Kankakee Valley High School | US | 1 |
kwpn.nl | KWPN Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland | NL | 1 |
labnet.nce.ufrj.br | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (labnet.nce) | BR | 1 |
lacitec.on.ca | La Cité Ottawa | CA | 1 |
lacoe.edu | LA County Office of Education | US | 1 |
lakelandcc.edu | Lakeland Community College | US | 1 |
lakelandcollege.edu | Lakeland College | US | 1 |
lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk | NHS - Hairmyres Hospital | UK | 1 |
lancaster.k12.pa.us | School District of Lancaster | US | 1 |
lancastermennonite.org | Lancaster Mennonite School | US | 1 |
langara.ca | Langara - The college of higher learning | CA | 1 |
lappee.fi | Kesamaenrinteen Koulu, Lappeenranta | FI | 1 |
lasalle.cat | La Salle Catalunya | ES | 1 |
lasalle.edu | La Salle University | US | 1 |
lasalle.es | La Salle de España y Portugal | ES | 1 |
lasallistas.org.mx | Universidad La Salle - Lasallistas Mexico | MX | 1 |
laurentian.ca | Laurentian University | Université Laurentienne | CA | 1 |
lausd.net | Los Angeles Unified School District | US | 1 |
law.harvard.edu | Harvard University (law) | US | 1 |
law.leidenuniv.edu | Leiden Universiteit (Law) | NL | 1 |
law.leidenuniv.nl | Leiden Universiteit (Law) | NL | 1 |
law.ubbcluj.ro | Babes-Bolyai University (Law) | RO | 1 |
law.wustl.edu | Washington University - Law | US | 1 |
lbc.edu | Lancaster Bible College | US | 1 |
lbcc.edu | Long Beach City College | US | 1 |
lboro.ac.uk | Loughborough University | UK | 1 |
lcb.ac.uk | Leeds College of Building | EN | 1 |
le.ac.uk | University of Leicester | UK | 1 |
learning.fraseric.ca | Fraser International College (learning) | CA | 1 |
learning.ifa.ch | IFA - Die höhere Fachschule der digitalen Wirtschaft (Learning) | CH | 1 |
lecturer.umn.ac.id | Multimedia Nusantara University (Lecturer) | ID | 1 |
lee.kyschools.us | Lee County School District | US | 1 |
leecountyschools.us | Lee County Schools | US | 1 |
leeds.ac.uk | University of Leeds | UK | 1 |
legalmarketing.org | Legal Marketing Asosciation | US | 1 |
legerdesheils.nl | Leger des Heils | NL | 1 |
lehre.mosbach.dhbw.de | DHBW Mosbach, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University | DE | 1 |
leidenuniv.edu | Leiden Universiteit | NL | 1 |
leidenuniv.nl | Leiden Universiteit | NL | 1 |
lentis.nl | Lentis GGZ Ouderenzorg | NL | 1 |
leraarzijn.be | Leraarzijn België | BE | 1 |
letu.edu | LeTourneau University | US | 1 |
levinsky.ac.il | Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv | IL | 1 |
levinsky.ac.il | Levinsky college of education | IL | 1 |
lfhk.cuni.cz | Charles University in Prague - School of Medicine | CZ | 1 |
lfis.edu.hk | French International School in Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
lfmotol.cuni.cz | Charles University in Prague | CZ | 1 |
liberty.edu | Liberty University | US | 1 |
liceomarconi.parma.it | Liceo Marconi | IT | 1 |
limak.jku.at | Johannes Kepler University Linz (Limak) | AT | 1 |
lincoln.edu | Lincoln University | US | 1 |
lincolninst.edu | the Lincoln Institute | US | 1 |
lindenwood.edu | Lindenwood University | US | 1 |
list.lu | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Terchnology | LU | 1 |
liuc.it | Cattaneo University LIUC | IT | 1 |
liv.ac.uk | Liverpool University | UK | 1 |
live.unc.edu | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (students) | US | 1 |
liverpool.ac.uk | University of Liverpool | UK | 1 |
livingstoneuniversity.org | LivingStone International University | US | 1 |
lmu.de | Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU) | DE | 1 |
london.edu | London Business School | UK | 1 |
lonegrove.k12.ok.us | Lone Grove Public School District No. I-32 | PT | 1 |
louisenlund.de | Stiftung Louisenlund Internat | Ganztagsgymnasium | DE | 1 |
louisville.edu | University of Louisville | US | 1 |
loyola.edu | Loyola University Maryland | US | 1 |
lpplus.com | Learning Possibilities Limited | UK | 1 |
lpsfrisco.com | Leadership Prep School | US | 1 |
lsbu.ac.uk | London South Bank University | UK | 1 |
lsr7.net | Lee's Summit West High School | US | 1 |
lsu.edu | Louisiana State University | US | 1 |
lsua.edu | LSU at Alexandria | US | 1 |
lu.lv | University of Latvia | LV | 1 |
luc.edu | Loyola University Chicago | US | 1 |
lucydanielscenter.org | Lucy Daniels School, Cary NC | US | 1 |
lumc.nl | Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum | NL | 1 |
luzac.nl | Luzac Lyceum Den Haag | NL | 1 |
lvo-weert.nl | Limburgs Voortgezet Onderwijs Weert | NL | 1 |
lyndonstate.edu | Lyndon State College | US | 1 |
ma.intnet.mu | Maingard & Associates Mauritius | MU | 1 |
ma.tum.de | Technische Universität München (Mathematik) | DE | 1 |
maastrichtuniversity.nl | Maastricht University | NL | 1 |
madiee.com | Making A Difference in Educational Experience (MADIEE) | IN | 1 |
madlab.org.uk | Manchester Digital Laboratory | UK | 1 |
magd.ox.ac.uk | Oxford University (Magd) | UK | 1 |
mahidol.ac.th | Mahidol University | TH | 1 |
mahidol.edu | Mahidol University | TH | 1 |
mahoningesc.org | Mahoning County Educational Service Center | US | 1 |
mahsa.edu.my | MAHSA University | MY | 1 |
mail.amc.edu | Albany Medical College | US | 1 |
mail.cfcc.edu | Cape Fear Community College | US | 1 |
mail.dcu.ie | Dublin City University (Students/Mail) | IE | 1 |
mail.harvard.edu | Harvard University (general email) | US | 1 |
mail.johnstoncc.edu | Johnston Community College | US | 1 |
mail.mcgill.ca | McGill University | US | 1 |
mail.missouri.edu | University of Missouri (students) | US | 1 |
mail.ntust.edu.tw | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Tech NTUST | TW | 1 |
mail.ubc.ca | University of British Columbia (UBC) | US | 1 |
mail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | US | 1 |
mail.usf.edu | University of South Florida (Student mail) | US | 1 |
mail.utoronto.ca | University of Toronto (Students) | CA | 1 |
mail.wvu.edu | West Virginia University | US | 1 |
mail2.cu-portland.edu | Concordia University Portland | US | 1 |
mailbox.tu-dresden.de | TU Dresden (mailbox) | DE | 1 |
majaczech.cz | Majaczech - Fire Safety Protection Research and Educational Association | SZ | 1 |
make125.org | Greenbelt MakerSpace | US | 1 |
malteser.org | Malteser Volunteering Bornheim | DE | 1 |
manchester.ac.uk | University of Manchester | UK | 1 |
manipal.edu | Manipal Academy of Higher Education | IN | 1 |
manipal.edu | Manipal Academy of Higher Education MAHE | IN | 1 |
mapaq.gouv.qc.ca | Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation | CA | 1 |
marine.gu.se | University of Gothenburg | SE | 1 |
marinerhigh.com | Mariner High School, Cape Coral | US | 1 |
mariscollege.nl | Maris College | NL | 1 |
marktplaats.nl | Marktplaats Nederland | NL | 3 |
marlborough.org | Marlborough School - CA | US | 1 |
marton.blackpool.sch.uk | Marton Primary Academy and Nursery, Blackpool, Lancashire | UK | 1 |
maryville.edu | Maryville University | US | 1 |
masonlive.gmu.edu | George Mason University | US | 1 |
mater.uq.edu.au | The University of Queensland (mater) | AU | 1 |
math.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Math) | PT | 1 |
matht.uu.se | Uppsala Universitet (math) | SE | 1 |
ma-web.nl | Mediacollege Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
mcc.edu | Mott Community College | US | 1 |
mcc.virginia.edu | University of Virginia - School of Medicine | US | 1 |
mcgill.ca | McGill University | CA | 1 |
mcmaster.ca | McMaster University | CA | 1 |
mcpsmd.org | Montgomery County Public Schools | US | 1 |
mcst.edu.sa | University of Almaarefa | SA | 1 |
mctaworkforce.org | Mahoning and Columbiana Training Association | US | 1 |
mcusd709.org | Morton High School | US | 1 |
md.hkmu.ac.tz | Hubert Kairuki Memorial University in Tanzania (medical) | TZ | 1 |
mdc.edu | Miami Dade College | US | 1 |
mdx.ac.uk | Middelsex University | UK | 1 |
mdx.ac.uk | Middlesex University | UK | 1 |
mea.org | Michigan Education Association | US | 1 |
med.fsu.edu | Florida State University College of Medicine | US | 1 |
med.miami.edu | University of Miami Health System in Florida | US | 1 |
med.nyu.edu | New York University (medical) | US | 1 |
med.umich.edu | University of Michigan - Med. School | US | 1 |
med.uni-duesseldorf.de | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Medicial) | DE | 1 |
med.uni-giessen.de | University of Giessen (Medical) | DE | 1 |
med.uni-jena.de | University of Jena (Medical school) | DE | 1 |
med.uoa.gr | University of Athens (Med) | GR | 1 |
med.usc.edu | University of Southern California (Keck Medicine of USC) | US | 1 |
med.u-szeged.hu | Universzity of Szeged (Med) | HU | 1 |
medicine.wustl.edu | Washington University - Medicine | US | 1 |
medicosva.es | Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Valladolid | ES | 1 |
medizin.uni-leipzig.de | Universitätsklinikum Leipzig | DE | 1 |
medma.uni-heidelberg.de | Heidelberg University (Medical Faculty) | DE | 1 |
mednet.ucla.edu | University of California (Mednet) | US | 1 |
medschl.cam.ac.uk | University of Cambridge (medical) | UK | 1 |
medsci.uu.se | Uppsala Universitet (Medsci) | SE | 1 |
medstudent.pitt.edu | University of Pittsburgh | Medical Students | US | 1 |
medunigraz.at | Medical University of Graz | AT | 1 |
meduniwien.ac.at | Medical University of Vienna | AT | 1 |
medway.gov.uk | Medway Council Chatham | UK | 1 |
mef.edu.tr | MEF University | TR | 1 |
memphis.edu | University of Memphis | US | 1 |
menloschool.org | Menlo School | US | 1 |
meridenk12.org | Meriden Public Schools | US | 1 |
methacton.org | Methacton High School | US | 1 |
metis.no | Metis videregående skole | NO | 1 |
metu.edu.tr | Middle East Technical University | TR | 1 |
mf.uni-lj.si | University Ljubljana (Medical faculty) | SI | 1 |
mft.nhs.uk | University of Manchester Medical School | UK | 1 |
mgh.harvard.edu | Harvard University (Massachusetts General Hospital) | US | 1 |
mhmk.de | Macromedia University in Munich | DE | 1 |
miami.edu | University of Miami | US | 1 |
micro.ufrj.br | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Micro) | BR | 1 |
mideastctc.org | Mid-East Career and Technology Centers | US | 1 |
midlandstech.edu | Midlands Technical College | US | 1 |
miemss.org | Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS) | US | 1 |
miit.edu.mm | Myanmar Institute of Information Technology, Mandalay | MM | 1 |
milescity.k12.mt.us | Miles City School District K12, MT | US | 1 |
minagri.gob.pe | Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Peru - MINAGRI | PE | 1 |
mindatwork.org | Mind at Work | NL | 3 |
mindef.nl | Ministerie van Defensie / Koninklijke Luchtmacht | NL | 1 |
misdmail.org | Mansfield ISD | US | 1 |
missouri.edu | University of Missouri | US | 1 |
mit.edu | MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | US | 1 |
mjb.berlin | Muslimische Jugend Berlin e.V | DE | 1 |
mjps.org.uk | Mosaic Jewish Primary School | UK | 1 |
mmu.ac.uk | Manchester Metropolitan University | UK | 1 |
mnstate.edu | Minnesota State University Moorhead | US | 1 |
mod.gov.uk | Ministry of Defence | UK | 1 |
mod.uk | Royal Navy / Ministry of Defence | UK | 1 |
moe.bh | Ministry of Education (Bahrain) - Othman Bin Affan Intermediate boys school | BH | 1 |
moe.edu.sg | Ministry of Education (Teachers), Singapore | SG | 1 |
moe.gov.sg | Ministry of Education, Singapore | SG | 1 |
montessoricollege.nl | Montessori College Nijmegen | NL | 1 |
montreat.edu | Montreat College | US | 1 |
montrose.org.za | Montrose Primary School Johannesburg | ZA | 1 |
Morgan.k12.co.us | Fort Morgan High School | US | 1 |
mountsinai.org | Mount Sinai Health / ICAHN School of Medicine | US | 1 |
moz.ac.at | The University Mozarteum Salzburg | AT | 1 |
mpa.bfet.uk | Bright Futures Educational Trust (Martin Primary) | UK | 1 |
mpls.k12.mn.us | Minneapolis Public Schools | US | 1 |
mps148.org | Malcolm Public Schools | AU | 1 |
mrgs.school.nz | Mount Roskill Grammar School | NZ | 1 |
mrsmbeseri.edu.my | MRSM Beseri Kangar, Perlis | MY | 1 |
mrtes.com | Maurice River Township School District | US | 1 |
msbdubai.com | MSB Private School - Dubai | AE | 1 |
msdf.org | Michael & Susan Dell Foundation | US | 1 |
msjc.edu | Mt. San Jacinto College | US | 1 |
mskaroeselare.be | MSKA Roeselare | BE | 1 |
mssm.org | Mount Sinai Health / ICAHN School of Medicine | US | 1 |
msss.gouv.qc.ca | Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux | CA | 1 |
msstate.edu | Mississippi State University | US | 1 |
msu.edu | Michigan State University | US | 1 |
msudenver.edu | Metropolitan State University of Denver | US | 1 |
mtmc.edu | Mount Marty College | US | 1 |
mtroyal.ca | Mount Royal University, Calgary | CA | 1 |
muhlenberg.edu | Muhlenberg College | US | 1 |
MUMC.nl | Maastricht University Medical Campus (MUMC) | NL | 1 |
mun.ca | Memorial University of Newfoundland | CA | 1 |
murrieta.k12.ca.us | Murrieta Mesa High School | US | 1 |
muscatcollege.edu.om | Muscat College Oman | OM | 1 |
music.gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology (Music) | US | 1 |
mu-varna.bg | Medical University-Varna | BG | 1 |
my.apiu.edu | Asia-Pacific International University (Students) | TH | 1 |
my.cityu.edu.hk | City University of Hong Kong (employees) | HK | 1 |
my.csun.edu | Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society | US | 1 |
my.nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University / Nijenrode Business Universiteit | NL | 1 |
my.tccd.edu | Tarrant County College (My Students) | US | 1 |
my.uri.edu | University of Rhode Island (students) | US | 1 |
myips.org | Broad Ripple Magnet High School for the Arts and Humanities | US | 1 |
mymail.unisa.edu.au | University of South Australia (Students) | AU | 1 |
mynic.or.id | Madrasah Youth National Intellectual Congress | ID | 1 |
myuct.ac.za | University of Cape Town (Students) | ZA | 1 |
nacue.com | National Association of College and University Entrepreneurs | UK | 1 |
nairongschool.com | Nairong School Bangkok | TH | 1 |
nais.hk | Nord Anglia international School Hong Kong | HK | 1 |
napier.ac.uk | Edinburgh Napier University | UK | 1 |
naric.org.uk | The National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom | UK | 1 |
natronaschools.org | Natrona County School District | US | 1 |
natur.cuni.cz | Charles University in Prague - School of Nature | CZ | 1 |
navy.mil | United States Navy | US | 1 |
nbcol.ac.uk | Northbrook College | UK | 1 |
nbt.nhs.uk | North Bristol NHS Trust | UK | 1 |
nca.ac.uk | Northern College of Acupuncture | UK | 1 |
ncsu.edu | NC State University | US | 1 |
nctu.edu.tw | National Chiao Tung University | TW | 1 |
nd.edu | University of Notre Dame | US | 1 |
ndu.edu | National Defense University | US | 1 |
nec.edu | New England College | US | 1 |
neighborhoodhouse.org | Montrose Primary School Johannesburg | US | 1 |
nes.scot.nhs.uk | NHS Education for Scotland | UK | 1 |
net.efzg.hr | University of Zagreb (net) | HR | 1 |
new.ox.ac.uk | New College, Oxford | UK | 1 |
newbold.outwood.com | Outwood Academy Newbold | UK | 1 |
newlifechurchptbo.ca | New Life Church (ptbo) | CA | 1 |
newvols.utk.edu | University of Tennessee Knoxville (Newvols) | US | 1 |
nexus.edu.my | Nexus International School, Putrajaya, Malaysia | MY | 1 |
ngu.edu.eg | NewGiza University (NGU), Cairo Egypt | EG | 1 |
nhaschools.com | National Heritage Academies | US | 1 |
nhcs.net | New Hanover County School System | US | 1 |
nhs.net | NHS - National Health Service | UK | 1 |
nhs.scot.nhs.uk | NHS Education for Scotland | UK | 1 |
nhtv.nl | NHTV / Internationaal hoger onderwijs Breda | NL | 1 |
nicm.nl | NICM | NL | 3 |
nihr.ac.uk | NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) | UK | 1 |
nihs.gov.lk | National Institute of Health Sciences - Sri Lanka | LK | 1 |
niveopleidingen.nl | NIVE Opleidingen | NL | 1 |
njaes.rutgers.edu | Rutgers University (njaes) - New Jersey Agriculture Experiment Station | US | 1 |
njaes.rutgers.edu | Rutgers University (njaes) | US | 1 |
nki.nl | Netherlands Cancer Institute / Nederlands Kanker Instituut / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
nmetc.com | National Medical Education & Training Center | US | 1 |
nms.unl.pt | NOVA Medical School - University of Lisbon | PT | 1 |
nmu.ua | Bogomolets National Medical University in Kyiv | UA | 1 |
nnuh.nhs.uk | Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital | UK | 1 |
nordwincollege.nl | Nordwin College | NL | 1 |
northbrook.ac.uk | Northbrook College | UK | 1 |
northcarolina.edu | University of North Carolina | UNC System | US | 1 |
northeastern.edu | Northeastern University | US | 1 |
northernhighlands.org | Northern Highlands NJ | US | 1 |
northwestern.edu | Northwestern University | US | 1 |
norwin.org | Norwin School District | US | 1 |
notes.k12.hi.us | Kilauea Elementary School | US | 1 |
notredameacademy.com | Notre Dame de la Baie Academy | US | 1 |
nottingham.ac.uk | University of Nottingham (UK) | UK | 1 |
nottingham.edu.cn | Nottingham University Business School China | CN | 1 |
nova.edu | Nova Southeastern University | US | 1 |
Novitasacademy.org | Novitas Academy | US | 1 |
np.edu.sg | Ngee Ann Polytechnic | SG | 1 |
np.edu.sg | Ngee Ann Polytechnic | SG | 1 |
nps.k12.va.us | Norfolk Public Schools | UK | 1 |
npsk12.net | Azalea Gardens Middle School | US | 1 |
nsc.edu | Nevada State College | US | 1 |
nsu.edu | Norfolk State University | UK | 1 |
nthfs.jku.at | Johannes Kepler University Linz (nthfs - Institut für Nachrichtentechnik und Hochfrequenzsysteme) | AT | 1 |
ntu.ac.uk | Nottingham Trent University | GB | 1 |
ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | SG | 1 |
nu.ac.th | Naresuan University, Phisanulok | TH | 1 |
nu.edu.om | National University Oman | OM | 1 |
nufs.ac.jp | Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (NUFS) | JP | 1 |
nunm.edu | College of Naturopathic Medicine | US | 1 |
nus.edu.sg | National University of Singapore (NUS) | SG | 1 |
nvcc.edu | Northern Virginia Community College | US | 1 |
nyenrode.nl | Nyenrode Business University / Nijenrode Business Universiteit | NL | 1 |
nyu.edu | New York University | US | 1 |
o2g2.nl | Groninger Opleidingsschool van Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen | NL | 1 |
oa193.org | Ashwanchi Kinta Order of the Arrow | US | 1 |
oakland.edu | Oakland University | US | 1 |
obs-gyn.ox.ac.uk | Oxford University (obs-gyn) | UK | 1 |
oc.edu | Oklahoma Christian University | US | 1 |
odu.edu | Old Dominion University | US | 1 |
ofmcap.org | Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Capuccionorum | IT | 1 |
ofmconv.net | Order of Friars Minor Conventuals | US | 1 |
ohs.oxon.sch.uk | Oxfordshire Hospital School | UK | 1 |
ohsu.edu | Oregon Health and Science University | US | 1 |
okanagan.bc.ca | Okanagan College, British Columbia | CL | 1 |
oldscollege.ca | Olds College, in Alberta, Canada | CA | 1 |
oldwestbury.edu | Suny Oldwestbury | US | 1 |
olivecrest.org | Olive Crest Academy | US | 1 |
olivet.edu | McGraw School of Business at Olivet Nazarene | US | 1 |
onderwijsgroepnoord.nl | Onderwijsgroepnoord | NL | 1 |
ontdekking.net | Kindcentrum De Ontdekking Oosterhout | NL | 1 |
oosterlicht.nl | Oosterlicht College | NL | 1 |
ops.org | Omaha Public Schools | US | 1 |
orators.org.uk | Manchester Orators | UK | 1 |
oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | US | 1 |
orionschools.us | Orion High School, Illinois | US | 1 |
orlcenter.be | Orlcenter - NKO/ORL Otolaryngologen | BE | 1 |
orlctosa.org | Our Redeemer Lutheran Church and School | US | 1 |
ortopediapelaez.com | Centro Ortopédico Peláez - Argentina | AR | 1 |
ortweinschule.at | Ortwein Schule Graz, Austria | AT | 1 |
osarcc.org.uk | Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre | UK | 1 |
osfc.ac.uk | Oldham Sixth Form College | UK | 1 |
osfc.ac.uk | Oldham Sixth Form College | UK | 1 |
osstf.ca | Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation | CA | 1 |
osu.edu | Ohio State University | US | 1 |
oudhs.co.za | Oudtshoorn Hoërskool | ZA | 1 |
oudhs.com | Oudtshoorn High School | ZA | 1 |
oulu.fi | University of Oulu | FI | 1 |
ox.ac.uk | Oxford University | UK | 1 |
oxfordedu.ca | The Oxford College of Arts, Business and Technology in Scarborough, Ontario | CA | 1 |
palmaccsd.org | Palmyra-Macedon Central School District | US | 1 |
palmbeachstate.edu | Palm Beach State College | SZ | 1 |
panamerican.com.br | Pan American School of Porto Alegre | BR | 1 |
parisdescartes.fr | Paris Descartes University | IUT de Paris | FR | 1 |
parktheater.nl | Parktheater Eindhoven | NL | 1 |
partners.org | Massachusetts General Hospital - Partners.org | US | 1 |
patrick.k12.va.us | Patrick County Schools (VA) | US | 1 |
Paulding.k12.ga.us | Paulding County School District in Georgia | US | 1 |
pbcharterschools.org | Inlet Grove Community High School | US | 1 |
pcps.us | Ponca City Public Schools | US | 1 |
pcs.k12.va.us | Pittsylvania County School | US | 1 |
pcs-nyc.org | Professional Children's School in New York City | US | 1 |
pdn.ac.lk | University of Peradeniya | LK | 1 |
pearlriver.org | Pearl River High School | US | 1 |
peds.bsd.uchicago.edu | University of Chicago (peds bsd) | US | 1 |
peds.ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
peelsb.com | Peel District School board, Ontario | CA | 1 |
pef.czu.cz | Czech University (Faculty of Economics and Management CULS) | CZ | 1 |
pehapkari.cz | PEHAPKARI meetup (phpdevelopers in Czech) | CZ | 1 |
pemb.org | Pemberton Township High School (pemb) | US | 1 |
pemberton.k12.nj.us | Pemberton Township High School | US | 1 |
Pembrokeshire.ac.uk | Pembrokeshire College, Merlins Bridge, Haverfordwest | UK | 1 |
peninsulagrammar.vic.edu.au | Peninsula Grammar School - Mt. Eliza - Victoria | AU | 1 |
penistone-gs.uk | Penistone Grammar School, Sheffield | UK | 1 |
pennstatehealth.psu.edu | Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center | US | 1 |
people-1st.co.uk | People 1st UK | UK | 1 |
pesd92.org | Pendergast Elementary School District | US | 1 |
pesimsr.pes.edu | PES Institute of Medical Science and Research | IN | 1 |
pf.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Education) | CZ | 1 |
pftsta.jppss.k12.la.us | Patrick F. Taylor Science & Technology Academy | US | 1 |
phm.co.uk | People’s History Museum | UK | 1 |
physiologie.uni-heidelberg.de | Heidelberg University (Physiologie) | DE | 1 |
phystech.edu | MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology | RU | 1 |
phzh.ch | PHZH =-Zurich University of Teacher Education | CH | 1 |
piedmont.edu | Piedmont College | US | 1 |
pima.edu | Pima Community College | US | 1 |
pimonline.nl | PIM - Platform Innovatie in Marketing | NL | 3 |
Pintapeople.com | Pinta People | NL | 1 |
pisd.edu | Plano Independent School District | US | 1 |
pitt.edu | University of Pittsburgh | School of social work | US | 1 |
piwoni.pl | First Private High School Szczecin | PL | 1 |
pjud.cl | Poder Judicial Chile | CL | 1 |
plen.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences) | DK | 1 |
plen.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences) | DK | 1 |
plsd.us | Pickerington High School North | US | 1 |
pm-gent.be | Provinciale Middenschool Gent | BE | 1 |
pointblankmusicschool.com | Point Blank Music School | US | 1 |
pointloma.edu | Point Loma Nazarene University | US | 1 |
pointpark.edu | Point Park University | US | 1 |
polban.ac.id | Politeknik Negeri Bandung Indonesia | ID | 1 |
polfed.be | Federale Politie Belgie (Kenniscentrum) | BE | 1 |
police.ac.be | Federale Politie Belgie (Academie) | BE | 1 |
police.be | Federale Politie Belgie | BE | 1 |
polimi.it | Politecnico di Milano University | IT | 1 |
politics.ryerson.ca | Ryerson University (Politics) | CA | 1 |
politieacademie.nl | Politie Academie | NL | 1 |
politikzumanfassen.de | Politik zum Anfassen e.V. | DE | 1 |
polito.it | Politecnico di Torino | IT | 1 |
port.ac.uk | University of Portsmouth | UK | 1 |
positivo.com.br | University Editora Positivo | BR | 1 |
post.bgu.ac.il | Ben Gurion University (post grad) | IL | 1 |
post.harvard.edu | Harvard University (post grad.) | US | 1 |
postgrad.ac.uk | University of Manchester | UK | 1 |
ppke.hu | Pázmány Péter Catholic University | HU | 1 |
pq.uenf.br | Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (PQ) | BR | 1 |
prf.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Science) | CZ | 1 |
prizmah.org | Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools | US | 1 |
promoteleadership.org | Promote Leadership Education | US | 1 |
providence.org | Providence Health | US | 1 |
psd202.org | Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 | US | 1 |
psea.org | Pennsylvania State Education Association | US | 1 |
psi.uminho.pt | University of Minho (Psychology) | PT | 1 |
psialphachapter.com | Psi Alpha Chapter | US | 1 |
psiedu.ubbcluj.ro | Babes-Bolyai University (Psihologie) | RO | 1 |
pstcc.edu | Pellissippi State Community College | US | 1 |
psychiatry.wustl.edu | Washington University - Psychiatry | US | 1 |
psychol.uni-giessen.de | University of Giessen (Psychology) | DE | 1 |
psykisksaarbar.dk | Det Sociale Netværk | DK | 1 |
pua.edu.eg | Pharos University in Alexandria | EG | 1 |
puce.edu.ec | Pontifical Catholic University of Quito | ec | 1 |
pueblocityschools.us | Pueblo City Schools Colorado | US | 1 |
pxl.be | Hogeschool PXL | BE | 1 |
qas.org.uk | Queen Anne's School | UK | 1 |
qatar-med.cornell.edu | Cornell University (Quatar Med) | US | 1 |
qc.edu.sa | Mustagbal University | SA | 1 |
qed.qld.gov.au | Department of Education - Queensland | AU | 1 |
qitepinscience.org | Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Science known as SEAQIS | ID | 1 |
qiup.edu.my | Quest International University Perak | MY | 1 |
qmul.ac.uk | Queen Mary University of London | UK | 1 |
qsi.org | Quality International Schools (QSI) | NL | 1 |
quanticopia.co | Quanticopia | US | 1 |
qub.ac.uk | Queens University Belfast’s | UK | 1 |
qut.edu.au | Queensland University of Technology | AU | 1 |
radboudumc.com | Radboud University medical center | NL | 1 |
radford.edu | Radford University | US | 1 |
radford.k12.hi.us | Radford High School Honolulu | US | 1 |
radiol.uu.se | Uppsala universitet (Radiology) | SE | 1 |
raisio.fi | Raisio High School, | FI | 1 |
rams.wssu.edu | Winston Salem State University (Rams) | US | 1 |
randolphcollege.edu | Randolph College | Lynchburg, VA | US | 1 |
raymondk12.org | Raymond School District | US | 1 |
rccd.edu | Riverside Community College District | US | 1 |
rch.org.au | Royal Children’s Hospital | AU | 1 |
rcscsd.org | Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School District | US | 1 |
rcseng.ac.uk | Royal College of Surgeons | UK | 1 |
Rdgg.nl | Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis | NL | 1 |
rdpsd.ab.ca | Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School | CA | 1 |
re1valleyschools.org | RE-1 Valley Schools, Colorado | US | 1 |
reading.ac.uk | University of Reading Malaysia | UK | 1 |
reading.ac.uk | University of Reading | UK | 1 |
rebelgroup.com | Rebel Junior Academy | NL | 1 |
ref-aargau.ch | Swiss State Church - Reformierte Kirche Aargau | CH | 1 |
ref-umiken.ch | Swiss State Church - Reformierte Kirche Umiken | CH | 1 |
regnumchristi.net | Colegio Highlands del Movimiento Regnum Christi | ES | 1 |
research.ucla.edu | University of California (Research) | US | 1 |
research.uwa.edu.au | University of Western Australia - Research | AU | 1 |
research.wustl.edu | Washington University - Research | US | 1 |
ResearChat.com | ResearChat | JP | 1 |
rfsm.ch | Université de Fribourg – Réseau fribourgeois de santé mentale | CH | 1 |
rhrk.uni-kl.de | TU Kaiserslautern (RHRK) | DE | 1 |
rhul.ac.uk | Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) | UK | 1 |
rice.edu | Rice University | US | 1 |
richmond.edu | University of Richmond | US | 1 |
rijnlandslyceum-rlw.nl | Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar | NL | 1 |
risc.jku.at | Johannes Kepler University Linz (risc) | AT | 1 |
rivercityscience.org | River City Science Academy | US | 1 |
rjatc.org | Richmond Electricians’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Center | US | 1 |
rkish.de | Rettungsdienst-Kooperation - RKiSH Akademie Heide | DE | 1 |
rmhcharleston.org | Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charleston | US | 1 |
rmit.edu.au | RMIT University Melbourne | AU | 1 |
rmit.edu.vn | RMIT University Vietnam | VN | 1 |
rochester.edu | University of Rochester | UK | 1 |
rockboro.org | Rockaway Borough School District | US | 1 |
rockford.edu | Rockford University | US | 1 |
RockValleyCollege.edu | Rock Valley College | US | 1 |
rocmn.nl | ROC Midden Nederland | NL | 1 |
rocva.nl | ROCVA - Regionaal Opleidings Centrum van Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
ROCWB.nl | ROC West Brabant | NL | 1 |
rodekruis.nl | Dutch Red Cross Organisation (Nederlandse Rode Kruis) | NL | 1 |
roguecc.edu | Rogue Community College | US | 1 |
Roselleschools.org | Roselle Public School District | US | 1 |
rotaryeclub3310.org | Rotarye Club 3310 | US | 1 |
roundhill.leics.sch.uk | The Roundhill Academy | UK | 1 |
roundrockisd.org | Round Rock ISD | US | 1 |
rowan.edu | Rowan University | US | 1 |
rpo-rijnmond.nl | RPO Rijnmond - Opleidingsschool | NL | 1 |
rrsss16.gouv.qc.ca | gouvernement du Québec (rrsss16) | CA | 1 |
rsgdeborgen.nl | Rsg De Borgen | NL | 1 |
Rsgdeborgen.nl | RSG de Borgen | NL | 1 |
ru.ac.za | Rhodes University | ZA | 1 |
ru.uni-kl.de | TU Kaiserslautern (RU Fachbereich Raum- und Umweltplanung) | DE | 1 |
rug.nl | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen | NL | 1 |
rug.nl | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen (Students) | NL | 1 |
rugbyschool.net | Rugby School | UK | 1 |
rumsonfairhaven.org | Rumson Fair Haven High School | US | 1 |
runshaw.ac.uk | Runshaw College in the UK | UK | 1 |
ruppin.ac.il | Ruppin Academic Center | IL | 1 |
rusd.k12.ca.us | Jackson Elementart | US | 1 |
rush.edu | Rush University Medical Center | US | 1 |
rutgers.edu | Rutgers University | US | 1 |
rwth-aachen.de | RWTH Aachen University | DE | 1 |
ryerson.ca | Ryerson University | CA | 1 |
saisd.net | San Antonio Independent School District | US | 1 |
sait.ca | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) | US | 1 |
salam.uitm.edu.my | Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA | MY | 1 |
salier-wn.de | Salier-Gymnasium Waiblingen | DE | 1 |
salle.url.edu | La Salle Business School - Universitat Ramon Llull | ES | 1 |
salud.madrid.org | Consejeria de Salud comunidad de Madrid | ES | 1 |
salud.unm.edu | University of New Mexico (Salud) | US | 1 |
sam.sdu.dk | University of Southern Denmark (SAM) | DK | 1 |
sandburg.edu | Carl Sandburg College | US | 1 |
sandwell.gov.uk | Sandwell Council | UK | 1 |
sankaranethralaya.org | Charitable Eye institute, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai | IN | 1 |
santafe.gov.ar | Province of Santa Fe, Argentina | AR | 1 |
santafe-conicet.gov.ar | Universidad Nacional del Litoral | AR | 1 |
santotomas.cl | Universidad Santo Tomas | CL | 1 |
sas.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania (sas) | US | 1 |
saseconnect.org | Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers | US | 1 |
satinxfac.com | St. Xavier High School | US | 1 |
sau18.org | Franklin & Hill School District #SAU18 | US | 1 |
saxion.nl | Saxion University for Applied Sciences | NL | 1 |
Sayvilleschools.org | Sayville Public Schools | US | 1 |
sbccd.cc.ca.us | San Bernardino Valley College | US | 1 |
sbs.ox.ac.uk | Oxford University (SBS) | UK | 1 |
sc-celje.si | Šolski center Celje | SI | 1 |
sccs.edu.bo | Santa Cruz Cooperative School | BO | 1 |
schiphol.nl | Royal Schiphol Airport | NL | 1 |
school21.org.uk | School 21 London | UK | 1 |
schoolcommunicationarts.com | The School of Communication Arts 2.0 | UK | 1 |
schoolkringen.nl | Schoolkringen | NL | 1 |
schools.nyc.gov | New York City - Department of Education | US | 1 |
schule.duesseldorf.de | Schloß-Gymnasium Benrath, Düsseldorf | DE | 1 |
schule.suedtirol.it | Schule Suedtirol / Tschuggmall Berufsschule | IT | 1 |
schule-an-der-erzbahn.de | Schule an der Erzbahn | DE | 1 |
schule-opfikon.ch | Schule Opfikon - Schulhaus Lättenwiesen | CH | 1 |
schule-rothrist.ch | Schule-Rothrist | CH | 1 |
science.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Science) | DK | 1 |
scilifelab.uu.se | Uppsala Universitet (scilifelab) | SE | 1 |
scsk12.org | Shelby County Schools | US | 1 |
sd43.bc.ca | School District #43 Coquitlam | CA | 1 |
sd58.bc.ca | Nicola Canford Elementary School | CA | 1 |
sd61.bc.ca | Greate Victoria School District | CA | 1 |
sdccd.edu | San Diego City College | US | 1 |
sdcounty.ca.gov | County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency | US | 1 |
sdu.dk | University of Southern Denmark | DK | 1 |
seablind.org | Sea Blind - the price of shipping our stuff | NL | 1 |
searescue.org.za | National Sea Rescue Institute of South Africa | ZA | 1 |
seariders.k12.hi.us | SeaRiders K12 Hawaii | US | 1 |
seark.edu | Southeast Arkansas College | US | 1 |
seas.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania (seas) | US | 1 |
segebergerkliniken.de | Segeberger Kliniken Gruppe | DE | 1 |
seinan-jo.ac.jp | Seinan Jo Gakuin University, Kitakyushu | JP | 1 |
sescgo.com.br | Sesc Cidadania | BR | 1 |
sfh-tr.nhs.uk | Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | UK | 1 |
sfinc.ch | SFINC.academy Mörigen | CH | 1 |
sfinc.ch | SFINC.academy Mörigen | CH | 1 |
sfu.ca | Simon Fraser University | US | 1 |
sfxs.edu.hk | St. Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan | HK | 1 |
sgsintpaulus.eu | Scholen Gemeenschap St. Paulus/ OLVHemelvaart Waregem | BE | 1 |
shared-ed.ac.uk | SharEd Education Services - Liverpool College Group | UK | 1 |
sheffield.ac.uk | University of Sheffield | UK | 1 |
sheltonstate.edu | Shelton State Community College | US | 1 |
ship.edu | Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania | US | 1 |
shoreline.edu | Shoreline Community College | AU | 1 |
shsg.org | Southend High School for Girls | UK | 1 |
shu.ac.uk | Sheffield Hallam University | UK | 1 |
shu.edu | Seton Hall University | US | 1 |
sibmhyd.edu.in | Symbiosis International University Hyderabad | IN | 1 |
siena.vic.edu.au | Siena College Camberwell | AU | 1 |
sint-pietersinstituut.be | Sint-Pietersinstituut Turnhout | BE | 1 |
sint-pieter-zevendonk.be | Sint-Pieters Zevendonk | BE | 1 |
sint-victor.be | Sint-Victor Turnhout | BE | 1 |
sionschool.org.uk | Sion School (Worthing, UK) | UK | 1 |
sipkewynia.nl | V.S.V. Sipke Wynia | NL | 1 |
sisdk12.net | Somerset Independent School District | US | 1 |
sjcc.edu | San Jose City College | US | 1 |
sjccasg.org | San Jose City College (Student Government Officials) | US | 1 |
sjcuria.global | Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù | IT | 1 |
sjec.ac.in | St. Joseph Engineering College Vamanjoor, Mangaluru | IN | 1 |
sjeccd.edu | San Jose City College | US | 1 |
skema.edu | SKEMA Business School | NL | 1 |
slcusd.org | San Luis Coastal Unified School District | US | 1 |
slheart.org | Sri Lanka Heart Association (SLHA) | LK | 1 |
sliit.lk | Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology | LK | 1 |
SLMANDIC.EDU.BR | Sao Leopoldo Mandic | BR | 1 |
slmandic.edu.br | Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic | BR | 1 |
smail.uni-koeln.de | University of Cologne (Students) | DE | 1 |
smcscouts.com | Stella Maris College Scout Group | MT | 1 |
smidswater.nl | Smidswater | NL | 3 |
smithville.k12.mo.us | Smithville R-II School District | NL | 1 |
smu.ca | Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia | CA | 1 |
smu.edu | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
smu.edu.sg | Singapore Management University | SG | 1 |
snhu.edu | Southern New Hampshire University | US | 1 |
snmabirmingham.com | Student National Medical Association Alabama | US | 1 |
snmail.org | Charitable Eye institute, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai | IN | 1 |
socialsciences.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Social Sciences) | DK | 1 |
socialwork.pitt.edu | University of Pittsburgh | School of social work | US | 1 |
somosbravo.mx | Somos Bravo | MX | 1 |
sophie-scholl-schule.eu | Sophie-Scholl-Schule | DE | 1 |
southalabama.edu | University of South Alabama | US | 1 |
southern.edu | Southern Adventist University | US | 1 |
southsidechristian.org | Southside Christian School | US | 1 |
sp.edu.sg | Singapore Polytechnic | SP | 1 |
speldesign.uu.se | Uppsala Universitet (speldesign) | SE | 1 |
spjimr.org | SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) | IN | 1 |
spotsylvania.k12.va.us | Spotsylvania County Public Schools | US | 1 |
springbranchisd.com | Spring Branch Independent School District | US | 1 |
sps186.org | Springfield Public Schools - Schooldistrict 186 | US | 1 |
spt.be | Sint-Pietersinstituut Turnhout (spt) | BE | 1 |
srcas.ac.in | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science | IN | 1 |
ssc.qld.edu.au | Saint Stephen’s College | AU | 1 |
sse.edu | Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) | SE | 1 |
sseriga.edu | Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) | LV | 1 |
ssss.gouv.qc.ca | gouvernement du Québec (ssss) | CA | 1 |
ssst.ba | Sarajevo School of Science and Technology | BA | 1 |
ssst.edu.ba | Sarajevo School of Science and Technology | BA | 1 |
ssw.rutgers.edu | Rutgers University (ssw) | US | 1 |
st.ovgu.de | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | DE | 1 |
staff.masada.nsw.edu.au | Masada College, St Ives | AU | 1 |
staffs.ac.uk | Staffordshire University | UK | 1 |
st-andrews.ac.uk | St. Andrews University | UK | 1 |
stanford.edu | Stanford University | US | 1 |
starterslift.nl | Starterslift | NL | 3 |
statsvet.su.se | Stockholm University (Statsvet) | SE | 1 |
st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk | St Bede's School, Redhill | UK | 1 |
stcloudstate.edu | St. Cloud State University | US | 1 |
stdoms.ac.uk | St Dominic's Sixth Form College | UK | 1 |
stdons.nl | Stichting d'ONS | NL | 1 |
stedelijkcollege.com | Stedelijk College Eindhoven | NL | 1 |
stedelijkcollege.nl | Stedelijk College Eindhoven | NL | 1 |
stfx.ca | St. Francis Xavier University | CA | 1 |
stiftung-spi.de | Kultur- und Freizeitzentrum „Pegasus“ | DE | 1 |
stir.ac.uk | University of Stirling | UK | 1 |
stjohn.org.sg | St John Singapore | SG | 1 |
stjude.org | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital | US | 1 |
stmarys-belfast.ac.uk | St Mary’s University College, Belfast | UK | 1 |
stmarys-ca.edu | Saint Mary's College of California | US | 1 |
stnicholas.com.br | St Nicholas School São Paulo Brazil | BR | 1 |
stockport.gov.uk | Stockport LA - Early Years Education | UK | 1 |
stonybrook.edu | Stony Brook University | US | 1 |
stonybrookmedicine.edu | Stony Brook University (Medicine) | US | 1 |
stpetersyork.org.uk | St Peter’s School, York | UK | 1 |
stran.ac.uk | Stranmillis University College | UK | 1 |
strath.ac.uk | University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | UK | 1 |
StreamlineInstitute.org | Streamline Institute | US | 1 |
stu.evc.edu | San Jose City College | US | 1 |
stu.sjcc.edu | San Jose City College (students) | US | 1 |
stud.fh-campuswien.ac.at | FH Campus Wien (University of Applied Sciences) (students) | AT | 1 |
stud.hs-bremen.de | Hochschule Bremen (students) | DE | 1 |
student.aoc-oost.nl | AOC Oost (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.bham.ac.uk | University of Birmingham (Students) | UK | 1 |
student.eur.nl | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.fitchburgstate.edu | Fitchburg State University (students) | US | 1 |
student.has.nl | HAS Hogeschool Den Bosch (students) | NL | 1 |
student.hhs.nl | Haagse Hoogeschool - Students | NL | 1 |
student.hu.nl | Hogeschool Utrecht (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.inholland.nl | Hogeschool Inholland (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.isae-supaero.fr | Isae Supaero - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (Students) | FR | 1 |
student.kit.edu | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Students) | DE | 1 |
student.kuleuven.be | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Students) | BE | 1 |
student.maastrichtuniversity.nl | Maastricht University (students) | NL | 1 |
student.manchester.ac.uk | University of Manchester | UK | 1 |
student.rug.nl | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / University of Groningen (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.tue.nl | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven TU/e (Students) | NL | 1 |
student.uantwerpen.be | Universiteit van Antwerpen (students) | BE | 1 |
student.ucll.be | UC Leuven Limburg (Students) | BE | 1 |
student.uhasselt.be | Universiteit Hasselt (Students) | BE | 1 |
student.ulg.ac.be | University of Liege (Students) | BE | 1 |
student.unimelb.edu.au | The University of Melbourne (Students) | US | 1 |
student.unisg.ch | University of St. Gallen (Students) | CH | 1 |
student.unsw.edu.au | University of New South Wales (Student) | AU | 1 |
student.uva.nl | Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
student.uwa.edu.au | University of Western Australia - Students | AU | 1 |
student.windesheim.nl | Hogeschool Windesheim (students) | NL | 1 |
studenti.unige.it | Università degli studi di Genova (Studenti) | IT | 1 |
studenti.uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome (Students) | IT | 1 |
students.bfh.ch | Bern University of Applied Sciences (Students) | CH | 1 |
students.dominican.edu | Dominican University (Students) | US | 1 |
students.fhnw.ch | University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (Students) | CH | 1 |
students.hs-mainz.de | University of Applied Sciences Mainz (Students) | DE | 1 |
students.ie.edu | IE Business School Madrid (Students) | ES | 1 |
students.uni-mainz.de | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Students) | DE | 1 |
students.unnes.ac.id | Universitas Negeri Semarang (Students) | ID | 1 |
students.uppervalleycc.org | Upper Valley Career Center (students) | US | 1 |
students.uu.nl | Universiteit Utrecht (students) | NL | 1 |
studentvillage.co.za | Student Village Youth Marketing | ZA | 3 |
studium.fernuni-hagen.de | University of Hagen (Studium) | DE | 1 |
studium.uni-hamburg.de | UHH - Hamburg University (Students) | DE | 1 |
studyportals.com | Studyportals | UK | 1 |
stuijvenbergschool.nl | Ds. A. van Stuijvenbergschool | NL | 1 |
su.se | Stockholm University | SE | 1 |
sullivan.edu | Sullivan University | US | 1 |
summacollege.nl | Summa College | NL | 1 |
sun.ac.za | Universiteit Stellenbosch University | ZA | 1 |
sunwardparkhighschool.com | Sunward Park High School | ZA | 1 |
suny.edu | The State University of New York | US | 1 |
sunyit.edu | SUNY Polytechnic Institute | US | 1 |
sunypoly.edu | SUNY Polytechnic Institute | US | 1 |
supbiotech.fr | Sup’Biotech school for biotechnologies | FR | 1 |
support.ucla.edu | University of California | US | 1 |
surgci.uu.se | Uppsala Universitet (surgci) | SE | 1 |
surinamedag.com | Stichting Geneeskundig Genootschap den Haag e.o | Surinamedag | NL | 1 |
surreyschools.ca | Surrey Teachers’ Association | CA | 1 |
surreyteachers.org | Surrey Teachers’ Association | CA | 1 |
susd12.org | Sunnyside Unified School District #12 | US | 1 |
suu.edu | Southern Utah University | US | 1 |
svusdk12.net | Silver Valley Unified School District | US | 1 |
sweetwaterschools.org | Chula Vista | Sweetwaterschools | CA | 1 |
swin.edu.au | Swinburne University of Technology | AU | 1 |
swinburne.edu.my | Swinburne University Sarawak | MY | 1 |
swu.ac.th | Srinakharinwirot University, Bankok | TH | 1 |
sydney.edu.au | University of Sydney | AU | 1 |
sze.hu | Széchenyi István University (SZE) at Győr, Hungary | HU | 1 |
taasa.org | Texas Association Against Sexual Assault | US | 1 |
tabijn.nl | Tabijn onderwijs dicht bij jou | NL | 1 |
takeroot.org | Take Root - where missing children are seen and heard | US | 1 |
talenthoorn.nl | Stichting Talent Hoorn | NL | 1 |
tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | US | 1 |
tamu.edu | Texas A&M University (AG) | US | 1 |
tandemmantelzorg.nl | Tandem | Centrum voor Mantelzorgondersteuning | NL | 1 |
tastafe.tas.edu.au | TasTAFE Tasmania | AU | 1 |
tc.edu.tw | Education Department, Taichung City, Taiwan | TW | 1 |
tcat.ac.uk | Telford College of Arts & Technology | UK | 1 |
tcboe.org | Talladega County Schools | US | 1 |
tccd.edu | Tarrant County College | US | 1 |
tcu.edu | Texas Christian University | US | 1 |
tdsb.on.ca | Toronto District School Board | CA | 1 |
teacher.eursc.eu | European School Brussels (EURSC) Teachers | BE | 1 |
teacher.hkuspace.hku.hk | Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education | HK | 1 |
teachforportugal.org | Teach For Portugal | PT | 1 |
tech901.org | Tech901 Memphis | US | 1 |
techniekpact.nl | Techniekpact | NL | 1 |
teckidsbrasil.com.br | Teckids Education Brasil | BR | 1 |
teex.tamu.edu | Texas University A&M Extension | US | 1 |
tenby.edu.my | Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park (Kuala Lumpur) | MY | 1 |
teol.ku.dk | University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Theology) | DK | 1 |
terra.nl | Terra | NL | 1 |
tf.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Theology) | CZ | 1 |
tges.org | TGES - The Galaxy Education System | IN | 1 |
thecobbinstitute.org | The Cobb Institute | US | 1 |
theforgeinitiative.org | The Forge Initiative / Wake Robotics | US | 1 |
thefrontline.org.uk | Frontlines - changing lives | UK | 1 |
thegappartnership.com | The Gap Partnership | UK | 1 |
thehumansoundproject.com | The Human Sound Project | US | 1 |
thelibertyschool.org | The Liberty School Durango | US | 1 |
thevalley.es | The Valley | ES | 1 |
thevallians.com | The Valley | ES | 1 |
thi.de | Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) | DE | 1 |
thinkeryaustin.org | Thinkery Austin | US | 2 |
th-rosenheim.de | Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim | DE | 1 |
thunderbird.asu.edu | Thunderbird School of Global Management (ASU) | US | 1 |
thunderbird.edu | Thunderbird School of Global Management | US | 1 |
tilburguniversity.edu | Tilburg University / Universiteit van Tilburg | NL | 1 |
tiu.edu | Trinity Evangelical Divinity School | US | 1 |
tlgc.edu.hk | True Light Girls' College | HK | 1 |
tll.org.sg | Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Singapore | SG | 1 |
tmcf.org | Thurgood Marshall College Fund | US | 1 |
tmo.nl | TMO Fashion Business School | NL | 1 |
toa.org | Texas Orthopaedic Association, Foundation & PAC | US | 1 |
torontocameraclub.com | Toronto Camera Club (since 1888) | CA | 3 |
tp.edu.sg | Temasek Polytechnic Singapore | SG | 1 |
trinityprep.org | Trinity Preparatory School | US | 1 |
triton.uog.edu | University of Guam (Triton) | GU | 1 |
tsbvi.edu | Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired | US | 1 |
ttuhsc.edu | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center | US | 1 |
tu.edu | Touro University California | US | 1 |
tuartforestps.wa.edu.au | Tuart Forest Primary School | AU | 1 |
tu-berlin.de | Technical University in Berlin | DE | 1 |
tu-darmstadt.de | Technische Universität Darmstadt | DE | 1 |
tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | NL | 1 |
tu-dortmund.de | TU Dortmund | DE | 1 |
tu-dresden.de | TU Dresden | DE | 1 |
tue.nl | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven TU/e | NL | 1 |
tufts.edu | Tufts Technology Services (TTS) | US | 1 |
tuj.temple.edu | Temple University Japan Campus (TUJ) | JP | 1 |
tulane.edu | Tulane University | US | 1 |
tulsastem.org | Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance | US | 1 |
tum.de | Technische Universität München | DE | 1 |
tunbridgewells.gov.uk | Tunbridgewells L&D Civil Servants | UK | 1 |
tunbridgewells.gov.uk | Tunbridge Wells Borough Council | UK | 1 |
tuwien.ac.at | TU Wien | AT | 1 |
txstate.edu | Texas State University | UK | 1 |
u.northwestern.edu | Northwestern University Students | US | 1 |
u.nus.edu | National University of Singapore (NUS) | SG | 1 |
ua.edu | University of Alabama | US | 1 |
ua.pt | Universidade de Aveiro | PT | 1 |
uab.edu | University of Alabama at Birmingham | US | 1 |
uach.cl | Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia | CL | 1 |
uacj.mx | Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez | MX | 1 |
uaeu.ac.ae | United Arab Emirates University | AE | 1 |
uah.edu | The University of Alabama in Huntsville | US | 1 |
uakron.edu | University of Akron | US | 1 |
ualberta.ca | University of Alberta | CA | 1 |
uam.es | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | ES | 1 |
uandresbello.edu | Universidad Andrés Bello | CL | 1 |
uanl.edu.mx | Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León | MX | 1 |
uantwerpen.be | Universiteit van Antwerpen | BE | 1 |
uark.edu | University of Arkansas | US | 1 |
ub.edu | University of Barcelona | ES | 1 |
ubbcluj.ro | Babes-Bolyai University | RO | 1 |
ubc.ca | University of British Columbia (UBC) | US | 1 |
ubhc.rutgers.edu | Rutgers University (ubhc) | US | 1 |
ubiobio.cl | Universidad del BioBio | CL | 1 |
u-bourgogne.fr | University de Bourgogne | FR | 1 |
uc.cl | Universidad Católica de Chile | CL | 1 |
uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | US | 1 |
uca.fr | University Clermont-Auvergne | FR | 1 |
ucalgary.ca | University of Calgary | CA | 1 |
ucam.edu | UCAM University, Murcia | ES | 1 |
ucd.ie | University in Dublin / University College Dublin | IE | 1 |
ucdavis.edu | UC Davis School of Medicine | US | 1 |
ucdenver.edu | University of Colorado | US | 1 |
ucf.edu | University of Central Florida | US | 1 |
uchicago.edu | University of Chicago | US | 1 |
uci.edu | University of California, Irvine | US | 1 |
ucl.ac.uk | University College London | UK | 1 |
ucla.edu | University of California | US | 1 |
uclan.ac.uk | The University of Central Lancashire | UK | 1 |
uclh.nhs.uk | NHS - University College London Hospitals UCLA | UK | 1 |
ucll.be | UC Leuven Limburg | BE | 1 |
ucmail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | US | 1 |
ucn.cl | Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile | CL | 1 |
uconn.edu | University of Connecticut | US | 1 |
ucr.nl | University College Roosevelt | NL | 1 |
ucsb.edu | University of California Santa Barbara | US | 1 |
ucsc.cl | Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción | CL | 1 |
ucsc.edu | University of California, Santa Cruz | US | 1 |
ucsd.edu | UC San Diego School of Medicine | US | 1 |
ucsf.edu | University of California San Francisco | US | 1 |
uct.ac.za | University of Cape Town | ZA | 1 |
uda.edu.ar | Universidad del Aconcagua | AR | 1 |
udayton.edu | University of Dayton | US | 1 |
udc.edu | University of the District of Columbia | US | 1 |
udd.cl | Universidad del Desarrollo | US | 1 |
udg.mx | Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) | MX | 1 |
ue.poznan.pl | Poznan University of Economics and Business | PL | 1 |
uea.ac.uk | University of East Anglia | UK | 1 |
uek.krakow.pl | Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie (Cracow University of Economics) | PL | 1 |
uel.ac.uk | University of East London | UK | 1 |
uenf.br | Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro | BR | 1 |
ues.edu.sv | Universidad de El Salvador | SV | 1 |
ufg.at | Universität für künstlerische Gesataltung - UFG Linz (Austria) | AT | 1 |
ufjf.edu.br | Federal University of Juiz de Fora | BR | 1 |
ufl.edu | University of Florida | IN | 1 |
ufm.edu | Universidad Francisco Marroquín | GT | 1 |
ufpr.br | Universidade Federal do Paraná | BR | 1 |
ufrgs.br | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | BR | 1 |
ufrj.br | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | BR | 1 |
uft.cl | Finis Terrae University, Chile | CL | 1 |
ugent.be | Universiteit Gent | BE | 1 |
uhasselt.be | Universiteit Hasselt | BE | 1 |
uhl-tr.nhs.uk | University Hospitals of Leicester UK | UK | 1 |
uhn.ca | University Health Network (University of Toronto) | CA | 1 |
uhs.nhs.uk | Ophthalmology at University Hospitals Southampton | UK | 1 |
uic.edu | Illinois College of Medicine | US | 1 |
uitm.edu.my | Medical Faculty in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) | MY | 1 |
uiwtx.edu | University of the Incarnate Word - Texas | US | 1 |
uj.edu.pl | Jagiellonian University | PL | 1 |
ujaen.es | University of Jaen | ES | 1 |
ukm.edu.my | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | MY | 1 |
uksh.de | Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein / Christian Albrechts University Kiel | DE | 1 |
uky.edu | University of Kentucky | US | 1 |
ulaval.ca | Laval University | CA | 1 |
ulg.ac.be | University of Liege (ulg) | BE | 1 |
uliege.be | University of Liege | BE | 1 |
uloyola.es | Loyola University (Andalucia, Spain) | US | 1 |
ulster.ac.uk | Ulster University | UK | 1 |
um.edu.mx | Montemorelos University | MX | 1 |
um.edu.my | Universiti Malaya | MY | 1 |
um.es | University of Murcia | ES | 1 |
uma.es | University of Málaga | ES | 1 |
umail.leidenuniv.edu | Leiden Universiteit (Umail) | NL | 1 |
umail.leidenuniv.nl | Leiden Universiteit (Umail) | NL | 1 |
umaryland.edu | University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy | US | 1 |
umass.edu | University of Massachusetts | US | 1 |
umassmed.edu | University of Massachusetts Medical School | US | 1 |
umb.edu | University of Massachusetts Boston | US | 1 |
umcutrecht.nl | Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht | NL | 1 |
umfcv.ro | University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova | RO | 1 |
umft.ro | Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Victor Babeş", Timişoara | RO | 1 |
umiami.edu | University of Miami | US | 1 |
umich.edu | University of Michigan | US | 1 |
uminho.pt | University of Minho | PT | 1 |
umn.ac.id | Multimedia Nusantara University | ID | 1 |
umn.edu | University of Minnesota | US | 1 |
umoncton.ca | University of Moncton | CA | 1 |
umontpellier.fr | Université de Montpellier | FR | 1 |
umontreal.ca | Université de Montréal (ESPUM) | CA | 1 |
ump.edu.pl | Poznan University of Medical Sciences | PL | 1 |
umu.se | Umeå University | SE | 1 |
umuc.edu | University of Maryland University College (UMUC) | US | 1 |
unav.es | University of Nevarra | ES | 1 |
unc.edu | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | US | 1 |
uncfsu.edu | Fayetteville State University | US | 1 |
une.edu.au | University of New England | AU | 1 |
unesp.br | São Paulo State University | BR | 1 |
uni.cumbria.ac.uk | University of Cumbria | UK | 1 |
uni.edu | University of Northern Iowa | US | 1 |
uni.lu | University of Luxembourg | LU | 1 |
uni.strath.ac.uk | University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Students) | UK | 1 |
uni.sydney.edu.au | University of Sydney | AU | 1 |
uni-bamberg.de | Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg | DE | 1 |
uni-bge.hu | Budapest Business School in Hungary | HU | 1 |
unibo.it | University of Bologna | IT | 1 |
unibocconi.it | Bocconi University | IT | 1 |
uni-bremen.de | University of Bremen | DE | 1 |
unicaen.fr | Caen University | FR | 1 |
unicamp.br | State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Sao Paulo | BR | 1 |
unicampania.it | Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” | IT | 1 |
unicathedral.edu.br | UniCathedral - Centro Universitário | BR | 1 |
unicatt.it | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | IT | 1 |
unicef.nl | Unicef Nederland | NL | 1 |
uni-duesseldorf.de | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | DE | 1 |
unifr.ch | Université de Fribourg – Universität Freiburg | CH | 1 |
unige.it | Università degli studi di Genova | IT | 1 |
uni-giessen.de | University of Giessen | DE | 1 |
uni-graz.at | University of Graz | AT | 1 |
uni-hamburg.de | UHH - Hamburg University | DE | 1 |
un-ihe.org | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education | NL | 1 |
uni-heidelberg.de | Heidelberg University | DE | 1 |
uni-jena.de | University of Jena | DE | 1 |
uni-kassel.de | University of Kassel | DE | 1 |
uni-kl.de | TU Kaiserslautern | DE | 1 |
uniklinik-freiburg.de | Universitätsklinikum Freiburg | DE | 1 |
uni-koeln.de | Universität zu Köln | DE | 1 |
unil.ch | Université de Lausanne | CH | 1 |
unileon.es | Universidad de León | ES | 1 |
uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana | SI | 1 |
unimail.hud.ac.uk | University of Huddersfield | Students | UK | 1 |
uni-mainz.de | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz | DE | 1 |
uni-mannheim.de | University of Mannheim | DE | 1 |
unimas.my | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak | MY | 1 |
unimelb.edu.au | The University of Melbourne | AU | 1 |
unimes.fr | Nîmes University | FR | 1 |
unimi.it | University of Milan | IT | 1 |
unimore.it | University of Modena and Reggio | IT | 1 |
uni-muenster.de | University of Münster | DE | 1 |
unindra.ac.id | Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia | ID | 1 |
uninova.pt | NOVA University of Lisbon | PT | 1 |
uniovi.es | Universidad de Oviedo | ES | 1 |
unipd.it | University of Padova | IT | 1 |
uni-potsdam.de | University of Potsdam | DE | 1 |
unipv.it | Università degli Studi di Pavia | IT | 1 |
uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome | IT | 1 |
unisa.edu.au | University of South Australia | AU | 1 |
unisg.ch | University of St. Gallen | CH | 1 |
unitec.edu | La Universidad Global de Honduras | HN | 1 |
uni-ulm.de | Ulm University and Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) | DE | 1 |
univ-amu.fr | Aix-Marseille Université | FR | 1 |
univ-avignon.fr | Universitaire d'Avignon | FR | 1 |
universityprep.org | University Prep, Seattle | US | 1 |
univ-fcomte.fr | Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté | FR | 1 |
univ-lr.fr | University of La Rochelle | FR | 1 |
univ-lyon2.fr | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | FR | 1 |
univ-nantes.fr | Université de Nantes | FR | 1 |
univ-poitiers.fr | University of Poitiers | FR | 1 |
univ-rennes1.fr | Université de Rennes 1 | FR | 1 |
univ-smb.fr | Université Savoie Mont Blanc | FR | 1 |
uni-weimar.de | Bauhaus University Weimar | DE | 1 |
uni-wh.de | University Witten/Herdecke | DE | 1 |
unlp.edu.ar | National University of La Plata (UNLP) | AR | 1 |
unm.edu | University of New Mexico | US | 1 |
unnes.ac.id | Universitas Negeri Semarang | ID | 1 |
unpad.ac.id | Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia | ID | 1 |
unsw.adfa.edu.au | University of New South Wales (Campus/adfa) | AU | 1 |
unsw.edu.au | University of New South Wales | AU | 1 |
unt.edu.ar | National University of Tucumán in Argentina. | UR | 1 |
unwe.bg | University of National and Worlds Economy (Университет за национално и световно стопанство) | BG | 1 |
unwidha.ac.id | Universitas Widya Dharma | ID | 1 |
uoa.gr | University of Athens | GR | 1 |
uog.edu | University of Guam | GU | 1 |
uoi.gr | University of Ioannina | GR | 1 |
uop.gr | University of the Peloponnese | AE | 1 |
uoregon.edu | University of Oregon | US | 1 |
uottawa.ca | University of Ottawa | CA | 1 |
uow.edu.au | University of Wollongong | AU | 1 |
up.ac.za | University of Pretoria | ZA | 1 |
upc.edu | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC | ES | 1 |
upc.edu.pe | Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) | PE | 1 |
upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania | US | 1 |
upf.edu | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | ES | 1 |
uphs.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania (uphs) | US | 1 |
upi.edu | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | ID | 1 |
upm.es | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | ES | 1 |
upmc.edu | University of Pittsburgh - College of Medicine | US | 1 |
upmc.fr | Université Pierre et Marie Curie / Sorbonne Universités | FR | 1 |
uppervalleycc.org | Upper Valley Career Center | US | 1 |
upr.edu | University of Puerto Rico | US | 1 |
uq.edu.au | The University of Queensland | AU | 1 |
uqam.ca | UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) | CA | 1 |
uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | US | 1 |
urmc.rochester.edu | University of Rochester (URMC) | UK | 1 |
urobel.be | Urobel - nationale vereniging voor urologische verpleegkundigen | BE | 1 |
urshancollege.org | Urshan College | US | 1 |
ursulinenmechelen.be | Ursulinen Mechelen | BE | 1 |
us.es | University of Seville | ES | 1 |
usal.edu.ar | Universidad del Salvador | AR | 1 |
usantotomas.edu.co | Universidad Santo Tomás | CO | 1 |
usc.edu | University of Southern California | US | 1 |
usc.edu.au | The University of the Sunshine Coast | AU | 1 |
usd504.org | Oswego School District U.S.D 504 | US | 1 |
usf.edu | University of South Florida | US | 1 |
usi.ch | Lugano University in Switzerland (Università della Svizzera italiana). | CH | 1 |
usim.edu.my | Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia | MY | 1 |
usm.my | Universiti Sains Malaysia | MY | 1 |
usm.ro | Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania | RO | 1 |
usmc.mil | US Marine Corps | US | 1 |
usp.br | University of São Paulo, Brazil | BR | 1 |
usu.edu | Utah State University | US | 1 |
usv.ro | Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania | RO | 1 |
u-szeged.hu | Universzity of Szeged | HU | 1 |
u-tad.com | Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital | ES | 1 |
utad.pt | School of Health of University of Trás-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) | PT | 1 |
utah.edu | University of Utah | US | 1 |
utalca.cl | Universidad de Talca (Utalca) | CL | 1 |
utar.edu.my | Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman | MY | 1 |
utas.edu.au | University of Tasmania | AU | 1 |
utexas.edu | The University of Texas at Austin | US | 1 |
utfpr.edu.br | Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná | BR | 1 |
uth.tmc.edu | University of Texas at Houston Medical School | US | 1 |
uthsc.edu | University of Tennessee Health Science Center | US | 1 |
utk.edu | University of Tennessee Knoxville | US | 1 |
utmck.edu | University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine | US | 1 |
utn.edu.ar | Universidad Tecnológica Nacional | AR | 1 |
utoronto.ca | University of Toronto | CA | 1 |
uts.edu.au | University of Technology Sydney | US | 1 |
utu.fi | University of Turku | FI | 1 |
u-tunis.tn | University of Tunis | TN | 1 |
utwente.nl | University of Twente | NL | 1 |
uu.nl | Universiteit Utrecht | NL | 1 |
uum.edu.my | Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) | MY | 1 |
uva.nl | Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
uvic.cat | Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya | ES | 1 |
uvt.nl | Tilburg University / Universiteit van Tilburg | NL | 1 |
uvu.edu | Utah Valley University | US | 1 |
uw.edu | Univerisity of Washington | US | 1 |
uw.edu.pl | University of Warsaw | PL | 1 |
uwa.edu.au | University of Western Australia | AU | 1 |
uwaterloo.ca | University of Waterloo | CA | 1 |
uwc.ac.za | University of the Western Cape, South Africa | ZA | 1 |
uwf.edu | University of West Florida | US | 1 |
uwhealth.org | School of Medicine and Public Health at UW-Madison | US | 1 |
uwlax.edu | University of Wisconsin-La Crosse | US | 1 |
uws.ac.uk | University of West of Scotland | UK | 1 |
uzbrussel.be | Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel | BE | 1 |
uzgent.be | University Hospital Ghent | BE | 1 |
uzh.ch | University of Zurich | CH | 1 |
Uzleuven.be | UZ Leuven | BE | 1 |
vafbla-pbl.org | Virginia Future Business Leaders of America | US | 1 |
valdosta.edu | Valdosta State University | US | 1 |
valley.outwood.com | Outwood Academy Valley | UK | 1 |
vanderbilt.edu | Vanderbilt University | US | 1 |
vanlagsj.org | Van Lang - Vietnamese Language School | US | 1 |
varenergi.no | Vår Energi AS (Corporate Account) | NO | 3 |
vcacademy.info | Victory Christian Academy | US | 1 |
vclb-pieterbreughel.be | VCLB Pieter Breughel (centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding) | BE | 1 |
vcu.edu | Virginia Commonwealth University | US | 1 |
vd.ch | Education board of Etat de Vaud - Lausanne | CH | 1 |
vd.educanet2.ch | Etablissement primaire de Renens-Est | CH | 1 |
vechtstreekenvenen.nl | Vechtstreek en Venen | NL | 1 |
veritasacademy.net | Veritas Academy | US | 1 |
vghf.dk | Viborg Gymnasium & HF | DK | 1 |
vgpo-accretio.nl | De Uitleg, Dalfsen | NL | 1 |
viableeducation.com | Viable Education Solutions | US | 1 |
vianovacollege.nl | Via Nova College | NL | 1 |
virginia.edu | University of Virginia | US | 1 |
vives.be | Hogeschool Vives | BE | 1 |
vives.be | Hogeschool Vives (Students) | BE | 1 |
vliz.be | Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee | BE | 1 |
vlot.be | VLOT - School voor Wetenschap, Techniek en Technologie | BE | 1 |
vlot-vti.be | VLOT - School voor Wetenschap, Techniek en Technologie | BE | 1 |
vmca.nl | Vrijwilligers en Mantelzorg Centrale Almere | NL | 1 |
VMSZonhoven.be | VMS Zonhoven | BE | 1 |
vnog.nl | Veiligheidsregio Noord- en Oost-Gelderland | NL | 1 |
vols.utk.edu | University of Tennessee Knoxville (Vols) | US | 1 |
volusia.k12.fl.us | Volusia County Schools | US | 1 |
vo-raad.nl | Voortgezet Onderwijs Raad | NL | 1 |
vshp.fi | Vasa centralsjukhus - Vaasan keskussairaala | FI | 1 |
vsite.hr | Visoka škola za informacijske tehnologije | HR | 1 |
vsu.edu.ph | Visayas State University | PH | 1 |
vswidar.nl | Waldorfschool Widar | NL | 1 |
vt.edu | Virginia Tech | US | 1 |
vths.org | Valley Torah High school | US | 1 |
vti-lokeren.be | VLOT - School voor Wetenschap, Techniek en Technologie | BE | 1 |
vu.edu.au | Victoria University | AU | 1 |
vub.ac.be | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | BE | 1 |
vub.be | Imec-Smit-VUB University | BE | 1 |
vumc.nl | VUmc|VU medisch centrum Amsterdam | NL | 1 |
vvc.edu | Victor Valley College | US | 1 |
wageningenur.nl | Wageningen University & Research - Wageningen UR | NL | 1 |
waketech.edu | Wake Technical Community College | US | 1 |
wales.nhs.uk | NHS Wales | UK | 1 |
wallawalla.edu | Walla Walla University | AU | 1 |
wallenpaupack.org | Wallenpaupack Area High School | US | 1 |
warwick.ac.uk | University of Warwick | UK | 1 |
wausauschools.org | Wausau School District in Wausau, WI | US | 1 |
wcastl.org | Westminster Christian Academy | UK | 1 |
wcbek12.org | Washington County Board of Education | US | 1 |
wccnet.edu | Washtenaw Community College | US | 1 |
wearfaith.org | Faith Church - We Are Faith | US | 2 |
wellington.trafford.sch.uk | Wellington School | UK | 1 |
wellingtoncollege.cn | Wellington College International Shanghai | CN | 1 |
west-cheshire.ac.uk | West Cheshire College | UK | 1 |
westcoastuniversity.edu | West Coast University School of Pharmacy | US | 1 |
westcoventryacademy.org | West Coventry Academy | UK | 1 |
wested.edu | West Ed(uducation) | US | 1 |
west-lothian.ac.uk | West-Lothian College | UK | 1 |
westmoreland.edu | Westmoreland Community College | US | 1 |
westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk | West Yorkshire Police – Learning and Development Centre | UK | 1 |
wfg.nl | Westfriesgasthuis | NL | 1 |
wfsd.k12.ny.us | William Floyd School District, Mastic Beach NY | US | 1 |
wharton.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania (wharton) | US | 1 |
whitehouseisd.org | Whitehouse High School | US | 1 |
who.int | WHO - World Health Organization | US | 1 |
whrsd.k12.ma.us | Whitman-Hanson Regional High Schools | US | 1 |
whu.edu | WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management | US | 1 |
wifisbg.at | WIFI Salzburg | AT | 1 |
windesheim.nl | Hogeschool Windesheim | NL | 1 |
winona.edu | Winona State University | US | 1 |
wintec.ac.nz | Waikato Institute of Technology | NZ | 1 |
wiringherlant.nl | rsg Wiringherlant | NL | 1 |
wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin | US | 1 |
wiso.uni-koeln.de | University of Cologne | DE | 1 |
wits.ac.za | University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg | ZA | 1 |
wittenberg.edu | Wittenberg University | US | 1 |
wiu.edu | Western Illinois University | US | 1 |
wlz.nl | Waterlandziekenhuis | NL | 1 |
wm.edu | William and Mary School of Law | US | 1 |
wne.uw.edu.pl | University of Warsaw (Faculty of Economic Sciences) | PL | 1 |
woodlandsprimary.org | Woodlands Primary School, Redbridge | UK | 1 |
woodlandsredbridge.co.uk | Woodlands primary school, Redbridge, UK | UK | 1 |
worldvision.ch | WorldVision Switserland | CH | 3 |
worldvision.nl | WorldVision Nederland | NL | 3 |
worldvision.org | WorldVision - Sponsor a Child | CH | 3 |
worthingtonlibraries.org | Worthington Libraries | US | 1 |
wpcc.edu | Western Piedmont Community College | US | 1 |
wsha.org | Washington State Hospital Association | US | 1 |
wssu.edu | Winston Salem State University | US | 1 |
wsu.edu | Washington State University | US | 1 |
wtc.edu | Western Texas College | US | 1 |
wur.nl | Wageningen University & Research - Wageningen UR | NL | 1 |
wustl.edu | Washington University | US | 1 |
wvi.org | WorldVision - Sponsor a Child | CH | 3 |
www.hayesbrook.kent.sch.uk | The Hayesbrook School | UK | 1 |
wzl.rwth-aachen.de | RWTH Aachen University (WZL) | DE | 1 |
xavier.edu | Xavier University | US | 1 |
yale.edu | Yale University - School of Medicine | US | 1 |
ycce.edu | Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering (YCCE) | IN | 1 |
yismyanmar.com | Yangon International School Myanmar | MM | 1 |
ymcanewcastle.com | YMCA Newcastle | US | 1 |
york.ac.uk | University of York, UK | UK | 1 |
yorku.ca | York University / Université, Toronto, Canada | CA | 1 |
yu.edu.jo | Yarmouk University Jordan | JO | 1 |
zayedacademy.ac.ae | Sheikh Zayed Private Academy for Girls | AE | 1 |
zelimlje.si | Zavod sv. Frančiška Saleškega | SI | 1 |
zeppelin-university.net | Zeppelin Universität | DE | 1 |
zess.uni-goettingen.de | University of Göttingen (Zess) | DE | 1 |
zf.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Agriculture) | CZ | 1 |
zha.nl | Ziekenhuis Amstelland | NL | 1 |
zion6.org | Zion Elementary School District 6 | US | 1 |
zips.uakron.edu | University of Akron (Zips) | US | 1 |
zsf.jcu.cz | University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Health and Social Sciences) | CZ | 1 |
zuiverICT.nl | Zuiver ICT | NL | 3 |
zuyd.nl | ZUYD Hogeschool | NL | 1 |
zuyderland.nl | Zuyderland MC | NL | 1 |
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